Dark Cross events for Katyusha Neige

Dark Cross events
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Braecen Kaeth
Primary reason

I am proud to recognize the achievement and progress of Katyusha Neige with their first ever Dark Cross. It is a memorable day when you receive your first merit award - recognition that you are valued, that others count on you, and that a House and Clan believes in you. It is also the first step into a promising journey as a member of this club and Scholae Palatinae.

Since his last recognition, Katyusha has participated in 8 competitions and (co) organized 2 competitions. In addition, Kat has collected 3 Crescents (1 Cr-A, 1 Cr-E, 1 Cr-T) and 2 Clusters of Graphite. Additionally, Kat is a valuable member of the House Excidium Battle Team, Tacitus Athanasius. There is a core group that keeps the heart of this unit pulsing; Kat is part of that core. Ever present in chat, working to develop all of their characters (and their NPCs), and providing details and ideas that were utilized in fiction updates by the team. Additionally, Kat recently assisted the Quaestor testing different programs - similar to Google Hangout - to create CSP Movie Nights. While not a Brotherhood activity, it is a project meant to bring the members of the clan closer together. Kat was invaluable in testing the live trial, providing detailed feedback on audio/video quality, as well as an overall opinion.

Thank you for everything you do, Kat! And we appreciate that you carve time from your busy schedule to support your fellow Battle Team and House members so thoroughly. Keep up the great effort! I look forward to seeing what you do next.

Braecen Kaeth
Quaestor of Excidium

Braecen Kaeth, 2017-04-03 21:23:24 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Braecen Kaeth
Primary reason

I am pleased to award Katyusha Neige today with a Dark Cross for all of her recent efforts on behalf of House Excidium. When we began planning a life after the Cocytus System's destruction, we - honestly - were not sure where we were going or what we were going to do when we got there. Yet, on the first day of the new system's launch, Kat was already discussing how Excidium could turn this to an advantage. Not only did Kat type out a proposal on how we would infiltrate foreign governments, but she also assisted in shaping the most recent story arcs for the House and advising as we drafted nearly 10 pages of House Fiction Updates in May and June. Furthermore, Kat's idea and further discussion helped fuel the ideas of several members of her Battle Team - Tacitus Athanasius - where she helped outline and assist others with implementing elements of her strategy into the Battle Plans. Great initiative, Kat! Keep up the amazing work!

Braecen Kaeth
Quaestor of Excidium

Braecen Kaeth, 2017-06-29 20:25:18 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Boss Ragnar Kul
Primary reason

Respectfully submitting Katyusha for a Dark Cross. Admittedly this DC is a long time coming, and previous activity has fallen through the cracks during administrative scrubs. Katyusha had an impressively widespread activity base that entailed competing in 12 comps, 4 PVP matches, and submitting 4 news posts comments. While these accolades may seem pedestrian, it is the scope and breadth of activity that must be lauded as Katyusha engaged in all aspects of the DJB being awarded 3 Crescents for placement, 12 Clusters of Fire for gaming, and 10 Clusters of Graphite for artistic pursuits. It is this well rounded base of activity that Katyusha has earned such an award. Congratulations and sorry it took so long Katyusha.

Boss Ragnar Kul, 2021-01-18 18:51:13 UTC