Anteian Cross events for Jael Valsi Chi'ra

Anteian Cross events
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

Raider Tybalt Softpaw (Kris from here on out) was a late addition to Clan Vizsla's initial roster, but made immediate positive impacts to the team. Kris stepped in and offered support in Wiki Coding and editing for the Clan's Planet ( Kris worked on a tight deadline and created the Clan's wiki page and timed its release with the announcement of the Clan. This timely creation allowed for secondary events to occur, namely a competition to better flesh out our planet. Kris has also provided insight on the Clan's initial competitions and Battle Team rankings/events.

Beyond Kris's support to Clan Vizsla, he also has participated in 31 competitions, 110 individual PVE/PVP events, earned 15 various crescents and over 1200 cluster variants, and served over two months as a QUA since his last promotion. This activity, combined with an uncanny ability to be active on Telegram and helpful to the DJB community has solidified Kris's presence in our club as an active and positive member.

Kris, thanks for all your hard work. It is greatly appreciated.

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2019-06-10 15:20:34 UTC