Dark Cross events for Jael Valsi Chi'ra

Dark Cross events
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Ghost Edgar Drachen
Primary reason

Since Ozosi Vym's last recognition she has participated in 8 competitions plus 4 container competitions as well. 5 of the Competitions were part of the Great Jedi War XII: Retribution.

Ozosi Vym finished 5th in the GJWXII Phase 2 Graphics - Armor of the elite competition also earning herself 4 Clusters of Graphite.

Her efforts and accomplishment helped Odan-Urr to win the Great Jedi War and for that, I am Honored to award you your first Dark Cross of what I hope is a very long career in the DJB and COU.

Edgar Drachen, Quaestor of House Hoth

Ghost Edgar Drachen, 2017-12-04 23:41:59 UTC