Amethyst Kukri events for Jael Valsi Chi'ra

Amethyst Kukri events
Event ID
Amethyst Kukri
Non-site XP
0 XP
Requested by
Qyreia Arronen
Primary reason

Augur Jael Valsi Chi'ra has reached the required 11533 Medal XP to earn their first Amethyst Kukri!

It seems only yesterday that I was awarding this guy. Our new system has proven, though, that there is a backlog to be filled, and Jael is quite deserving. Between time as Praetor to the Herald, Aedile and now Quaestor of Galeres, and even simply as a regular member, Jael has done great things. His art is some of the best in the club, he is a regular contributor in every aspect of Arcona, and is filling one of the most daunting jobs that we could offer. So while there is a certain level of automation to this, I will reiterate that it comes well earned. So thank you, Kris, for everything.

Qyreia Arronen
Consul, Clan Arcona

Qyreia Arronen, 2023-02-01 21:16:09 UTC
Event ID
Amethyst Kukri
Non-site XP
1000 XP
Requested by
Envoy Zuza Lottson
Primary reason

Sven Rawioni has been hard at work within Arcona through his time as QUA and beyond. Through this effort he has reached the goal of Amethyst Kukri.

Envoy Zuza Lottson, 2024-01-15 23:26:45 UTC
Additional reasons

Since his last award, Sven has done... a lot. So lets go through it, yeah?

He has completed 96 Comps (78 if you aren't counting containers), 60 gaming activities, 966 words of fiction (313 of those being roleplay), gathered 26 total crescents (5 of those being with a diamond star, EIGHT of those being with a ruby star), 49 clusters of graphite, and an overall astounding amount of 190 Clusters of Fire and 262 Clusters of Earth.

He was granted 11 seals of Transcendence for his performance in the war, in which he completed a ridiculous amount of competitions. He was also awarded a Seal of Loyalty for his service to Arcona-- one of the three given this award last May the 5th in the clan.

To add to all of that, last year Sven lead House Galeres for eight months as our Quaestor, crafting storylines and leading us through the war with the Children of Mortis. He ran several house events and tried to create an enticing plotline for everyone participating. He outlined a new race and extended the DJB lore with some worldbuilding of his own.

He served as Praetor to the Herald till Jan. 7th of this year, creating/modifying guidelines and improving the member experience for the Shroud Syndicate through his tenure. During that tenure as Magistrate to the herald, he also-- rolls out list -- completed the graphics for 5 different custom weapons, two war banners, as well as completing the graphics for Arcona's GJW robes and accessory. (Eeyyy, vibroshovel.)

His activity speaks volumes, shouting almost. Thank you for your service and congrats on the Amethyst Kukri. It is well deserved.

Professional Nildea Vidh, 2024-01-15 23:23:36 UTC