Character Snapshot (Jael Valsi Chi'ra)

Character Snapshot for Mystic Jael Chi'ra (2018/10/14, Mystic Jael Chi'ra vs. Warden Turel Sorenn)

Mystic Jael Chi'ra

Equite 1, Equite tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Male Sephi, Force Disciple, Techweaver, Sentinel
Height: 1.83 m / 6'0" - Weight: 108.63 kg / 239 lbs
Age: 26 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Jael stands roughly 6’4’’ with about 235 pounds of muscle and little fat, as he works very hard to maintain himself. His skin is of a light peach color with an overall tint of pale pink tones underneath. His hair is done in a long set of dreadlocks in a mohawk which come about to the mid shoulders. His eyes are of a dark blue which one would assume his irises were black entirely. He is of the Sephi species, his long, pointed ears standing up and back slightly due to previously done surgery to repair his skull and skin. The other part of his bloodline is Kiffar, which his clan marker is two lines under the right eye with a third on the outermost part of which has a small dot at the end. He has a few scars over his face, namely on his left brow, his right lower lip, and the skin to the right of his head, which is significantly disfigured due to a self-inflicted attempt on his life. His body also has scars, namely under his pectorals and throughout his groin from a transitional surgery to match his mind and brain to his body. These scars are very easily hidden by the clothing he wears which there are many small scars all over his body due to the cybernetic matrix (a gift from the surgeon who performed his aforementioned surgery). The cybernetic connections he has in his face can be seen when they are lit up, and his right arm is partially a cybernetic arm with synthetic skin.

Loadout: Standard Jael (Snapshot)
A Softened and Golden Heart Underneath it All (General Aspect)

When he is not being a broody man, Jael is actually a very childish sweetheart and is usually anxious about himself as well as those he cares for, namely his sister. He will do small things to assure that they know they are loved or that they matter to him, yet he will do this very sparingly and so sporadic that most who do not know him will assume anyone who tells them about this side of him is lying. Most who see Jael assume he is nothing but a crook and a liar (which is half true) who uses his criminal connections and wild charms to conceal his true self from those who will defend his honor (whatever honor he has left). He may come off as brash with one instance with the next being that of a “puppy” who offers nothing but himself as a gift. He will allow for abuse of this side if it is someone who truly is special to him so that those who matter receive more of his “gifts”. Often more than not, Jael will suffer internally with anxiety and disparaging thoughts of himself when he suffers from any negativity by showing off this part of him.

You were Born Nothing and Will Be Nothing! (General Aspect)

When he left his Sith Noble family behind, Jael had nothing much left to his name, especially because he was born female. Females within his family were only good for two things, breeding and assuring the Force was strong with those children born. His father was adamant with regards of assuring Jael knew he was nothing as a girl and eventually as a teenager. With the large amounts of abuse, Jael knew this life was not for him but he was so dumbfounded in how to become what he knew was fate until he met his first love, Kascal Artsal. The eventual death of this love was the hardest event and the most shaping of himself as he had just become the man he wanted to be and the person who showed him the most hope and love was taken. After the loss, Jael made amends with his adoptive sister and family as he had seemingly vanished between the years of their adoption of Jael and the death of Kascal. This moment of reconnection would soon be lost as well as Ozosi left to join Clan Odan-Urr soon after. With every moment of Jael’s life, it is centered around the idea he is empty without Kascal and that he is nothing without this person. He will spend those quiet moments by himself, lost in a sea of thoughts with the memory of his father speaking those ill meant words… with a bottle of alcohol to numb the pain.

Secrets are Better Left Alone (Personality Aspect)

Jael, at his core, is a very secretive, broody, emotional man, sensitive to his past as well as his potential future. Often he finds himself lost in a dream state, blissfully unaware of the world around him as he focuses upon his mistakes. His inner and outer self are driven by two different streams of thought, a rift between the two caused by the loss of his previous lover and best friend shortly after he transitioned. Within one stream, Jael is very happy even content with his life, finding new friendships and even potentially new love interests. His unintentional charismatic smile and sarcastic tone help his personality shine brightly with his positive presence; however, in the other state of mind, he believes he is partly responsible for the misgivings of his previous lover’s life and eventually was the cause of his death. When alone, Jael will often find silence is deafening and terrifying as this stream of thoughts will haunt his dreams and subconscious. Any mention of something extremely secretive may send him over the edge as he becomes enraged, while other more light secrets may be played off in a bluffing attitude or covert behavior.

Isn’t Humor the Best Medicine? (Personality Aspect)

Using his quick wits and charming smile, Jael is useful at making a situation more comedic and relaxed in order to defuse the moment to a low-stress level. With this skill, he will use his “I don’t give a frak” attitude in that he will make comments that sometimes are even inappropriate, especially when intoxicated, to distract and surprise his friends, enemies, and frenemies. Jael uses all sorts of comments more so darker in content if he knows more secrets of the person or is able to pull information in the heat of the moment. Commenting about each situation with humor often causes others to believe he does not genuinely care and they may question how serious he is about his statements, especially if they sound threatening.

Do You Need a little More Motivation? (Combat Aspect)

While normally he is very aloof with daily activities, Jael usually works better with some motivation behind his skills and tasks. Whether it be his own will-power (if he can ever muster that up) or some… other means of motivation, the Odanite usually finds himself with someone attempting to ‘motivate’ him. That is to say… usually, others have to “light a fire under Jael’s ass” with bodily harm or some kind of probable threat in order to get him to do really much of anything. However, when motivated, he does the best he can and sometimes even accepts the challenge of others who might do better than himself as an additional motivating factor. His combat skills become improved, his technical know-how seems to surface, and his attitude is more mature as he realizes he must put his “best foot forward” and actually do something worthwhile in order to accomplish his goals.

Technology, am I Right? (Combat Aspect)

When it comes to training and combat, Jael usually will utilize his skills with technology and general craftiness with regards to junk and other bits of electronic devices to fight is way against his opponents. This is to say he will use his Slicing, Mechanics, and Crafting skills to their fullest while in combat. He is quick to use these skills in the heat of the moment but become easily distracted outside of combat in terms of using these abilities as well as his motivation tanks. He is quite fond of using dirty techniques in order to beat his opponent with technology and is not afraid to resort to potentially hazardous actions for both his opponent and himself.

Skill Feats
Disarming Smile Droid Whisperer Jury-rig I
Force Feats
Manchurian Candidate Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain
Granted Feats
Sephi: Tinkerer Sephi: Everyone Has A Tell Order Feat: Force Disciple Mechu-deru II Hexing II
  • Basic
  • Binary
  • Sephi
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Shadow Step
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form VI (Niman)
Secondary Lightsaber Form None