Character Snapshot (Jael Valsi Chi'ra)

Character Snapshot for Raider Tybalt Softpaw (2019/09/09, Raider Tybalt Softpaw vs. Privateer Jon Silvon)

Raider Tybalt Softpaw

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Vizsla
Male Togorian, Mercenary, Field Medic, Sentinel
Height: 2.7 m / 8'10" - Weight: 150.0 kg / 331 lbs
Age: 19 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Tybalt is a fairly large Togorian with thick yet plush lightly gray-white fur patterned with small uniquely shaped dots and rather large rosettes on his back down towards to his hind legs and tail. His irises are of a transcendent faded blue-green color with a small halo of very faint yellow on the outer region of his iris. His nose is of a very dimmed rose pink. His ears upon his head are of a rounded shape with small tufts of fur sticking out in the outer parts. As stated before, his fur is very plush and has much of a soft consistency as well as the length of the strands is significantly longer than others of his kind. His paws are quite large, more so with his hind legs, and his tail is just as long as the main length of his body.

Loadout: Default Tybalt (Snapshot)
Laugh in the Face of Danger (General Aspect)

For this Togorian, many things are seen as possible adventures so that he may experience the greatest joys of life, especially if this means meeting new people and making friends. He always ignores the potential dangers and never seems interested in the gravity of very important situations. When dangerous situations appear, Tybalt will mostly assume the innocent approach and not be deterred when others would run.

Hearts and Minds (General Aspect)

Due to the death of his parents and the rest of his village being burned, Mao Huan was originally very reserved and guarded. Years of time and patient training from his Master allowed the Togorian to learn about his ability to help others heal and move on. Mao Huan has shown a great deal of compassion and understanding for those around him as many, like his master, see his ability to project his consciousness into those he feels he must assist with a humbling appreciation. Though many encourage his knack for patience and awareness of others, there are those who wish to use his compassion for heinous acts, willingly taking advantage of his earnest desire to help.

Life is Sacred (Personality Aspect)

Tybalt’s ability to adapt, conform, and adjust to new people and being able to express the joys of life is one to admire. For every new person, he is always offering of himself in usually very childlike ways such as ecstatic talks about his home planet, Ciron, where he has maintained a Porg sanctuary or attempting to share his various baked goods. This Togorian is always looking at ways to improve himself so that he may make people he knows happy. Usually, his manners are seen as odd, inexperienced, and naive by those who seem to exist in a more cutthroat lifestyle. Tybalt has found himself being threatened and bullied by those on various planets as he has a habit of visiting a planet purely by random and attempts to make friends with even the lowest of crime circuit members.

Curiosity Killed the Togorian (Personality Aspect)

Tybalt is a very observant and curious creature often finding himself in new experiences almost as if it were a complete mystery as to how and why he came to be in that moment. His enthusiastic nature always seems to get him in trouble as he can become very dedicated to new experiences and may leave caution to the wind. He may take risks when it comes to the more harmless experiences, zestfully unaware of potential dangers. Because of this blissful unawareness, Tybalt is usually in situations where he needs a savior or guardian to assure he is not harmed let alone killed. This is not to say that Tybalt is not intelligent or able to perceive danger; however, his curiosity and blind optimistic approach at life may be a stronger drive to experience new things that may arise.

Injustice Anywhere is a Threat to Justice Everywhere (Combat Aspect)

Throughout much of his training from a small kit to his strikingly large adult size, Tybalt has always accepted honor and fairness in the combat scenarios. Often his master would attempt to educate him on possible combat situations where fairness and honor would not be upheld, especially if this Togorian was to be ambushed by degenerates who believed him to be vulnerable. Lessons were expressed to him that fairness may need to be sacrificed for a goal. Regardless of this education, Tybalt continued to exercise fairness in his battles, usually finding his generosity taken advantage of and he would be forced to react and defend himself or those he felt bonded with. He would respond as he was taught, but would repeatedly lectured his opponents about honor and propriety as it was the way of a warrior for justice.

Kleptomaniac is Not a Nice Name! (Combat Aspect)

Many a time has Tybalt found himself in the midst of combat, but his mind would be elsewhere as he particularly finds interest in the smallest of distractions. The Togorian has been known to pick up random goods while in the middle of a battle, even if he is essentially pinned down by the barrage of crossfire. His nature is to hoard things he finds in these moments, especially if these items are of a shiny and noise making variety. Despite his borderline inability to stay focused with these items and his collective hoarding tendencies, Tybalt seemingly always finds a use for the random item(s) he picks up in these distractions.

Skill Feats
La Resistance I Sleeping Rancor Parkour! Daredevil Elusive Prey Cry No More The Hand Is Quicker The Force is With Me
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Xenobiology II Steady Hands II Order Feat: Mercenary Togorian: For Honor Togorian: Feline Grace
  • Basic
  • Togorian
  • How to For Dummies: Galactic Agriculture and Farming with Extraordinary Creatures
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art K'thri
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Weapon Specialization Bladed
(Only applies to the Weapon Specialist Discipline)
Secondary Weapon Specialization Blunt
(Only applies to the Weapon Specialist Discipline)
Primary Lightsaber Form None
Secondary Lightsaber Form None