Grand Cross events for Grot

Grand Cross events
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Dr. Rhylance
Primary reason

Since Grot’s promotion in April ‘19, he has been a presence sought after for his attention to detail and solid work production, all while tackling the rigors of real life. Numbers-wise, he’s participated in 38 competitions, placing in 21 of them (well over 50% placement rate) to earn a Gold Nova, 2 Silver Novae, and 18 other Crescents of all varieties. In writing, this activity has manifested in the form of over fourteen thousand words of fiction (10k in fiction activities; 4k in run-ons), netting him 36 Clusters of Ice; while gaming has earned him 22 Clusters of Fire and 102 Clusters of Earth; rounding out the bunch in graphics with 4 Clusters of Graphite. From those Novae, as proof of his presence in the big club events, he sports 4 Seals of Discord, 6 of Visions, and 3 of Enmity.

Separate from his general activity, Grot also offered his service to the greater Brotherhood, serving the tail-end of his term as ACC Judge through February ‘20, and his continuing presence as a Wiki Staff Member. Pointedly, then-Combat Master Alethia “Arch” Archenksova made note of his assistance on reviewing the revised edition of the new ACC rubric prior to its publication. This was in addition to his specified duties as an ACC Judge, wherein he was the lead judge on 8 mathes, graded 3 qualification exams, and provided Rule of Two support on 10 other matches.

In light of both his general activity and his service to the club in his various positions, we recommend him for an award that he so deserves.

Qyreia Arronen
Quaestor, House Galeres

Dr. Rhylance, 2022-01-08 15:59:07 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Non-site XP
450 XP
Requested by
Professional Nildea Vidh
Primary reason

Grot has accrued the necessary XP for a Grand Cross (2278 XP).

Grot has been a fixture in Arcona, and Galeres, for some time now. He's always been a member who will happily sit and talk with you about things when he pops into discord chat, especially if that conversation topic involves logistics of some sort. Recently, Grot was massively helpful to our previous Quaestor, Ood, when it came to plotting what we were going to do with our extra discretionary fund. He took it upon himself to spend time with Ood, figuring out which ships and upgrades would serve us best. Being someone who didn't (and still doesn't) understand the details of the possessions system and intimate details of starships, what Grot pulled off looks like magic to me.

Thanks to him we had a detailed plan and used our money wisely. Now we have quite a few new shiny toys which includes the ship we used for our brand new branch, the Field Medic Corps.

The mXP needed to award this medal mainly came from a backlog of items that you are finally being rightfully compensated for, including but not limited to an insane amount of courses passed (over a hundred), 21 degrees awarded (I think that's almost all of them), almost maxing out all of the available societies (Rank 12 Collegium, Rank 11 for both GMRG and Inquisitorious), and over 1.7k clusters of varying types. You were also granted the XP equivalent of your work for the ACC battles you participated in and judged as an ACC Judge Assistant.

Thank you, Grot, for all of your help the past few months and your continued support of the house throughout the years. Congratulations on the Grand Cross, and here's to many more sparkly medals and stabbies in your future.

Professional Nildea Vidh, 2024-06-23 23:01:20 UTC