Steel Cross events for Grot

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
General Stres'tron'garmis
Primary reason

In the past few weeks since Grot gained the rank of Yeoman, he's been nonstop. Picking up 3 more degrees and clearing 15 more Academy courses, he's kept up his learning trend. He's racked up 17 PvP matches for the War and written over 9k words between fiction and Run-ons, in which he qualified as well. On top of this, he's participated in 18 competitions, earning 1 Gold Novae, 1 Bronze Nova, and 72 Clusters of Fire. He also partook in the arts, picking up 12 Clusters of Graphite!

He was a substantial force in the Arcona War room, encouraging others to activity. He proofed over 10k words in fiction for the various competitions and another 6k in ACC bracket posts. He's shown himself to be a future leader, taking point on the Battleplan competition, which his team won 1st place in, and a 'Newcona' Run-On, in which several members qualified, including Grot.

Along with this, Grot took it upon himself to help with the Selen Development Project's wiki work so we could move ahead with more competitions. In total, he summarized, edited, and wiki-formatted 10k worth of participant-generated words. This included 13 new NPCs, 9 venues, and an organization that will see future use.

After editing, reworking the wording and formatting, he ended up with several new wiki pages, including ones dedicated solely to some of the NPCs, one for the organization, and a new article centering on the locales. All of these can be found linked off of the Sinchi Ring article.

For his assistance at this juncture of the project, I'm happy to recommend him for this award.

Kordath Bleu
Proconsul, Arcona

General Stres'tron'garmis, 2017-12-04 22:45:04 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Qyreia Arronen
Primary reason

Grot is a solid workhorse when it comes to competitions. Just to crunch the numbers — as a murderlizard crunches skulls — he's organized eight competitions and participated in thirty since his promotion in March. Of that bunch, plus maybe a few just prior, he placed for Crescents in twenty seven of them, showing he's not just hammering out competitions for the participation credit. He aims just as much for quality of his output.

That's not to say he doesn't have quantity either. 11 Pendants of Blood, 167 Clusters of Fire, 462 of Earth, 17 of Ice, and 15 of Graphite shows he's an avid, active, and well-rounded member. His work on the side has earned him 3 Scrolls of Foundation, and a Seal of Loyalty to boot. He even turned out for Rites of Supremacy: Meridian and got himself 5 Seals of Fury. For these efforts, I am recommending him for an Steel Cross.

Qyreia Arronen Quaestor, House Galeres

Qyreia Arronen, 2018-12-16 20:38:14 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Non-site XP
0 XP
Requested by
Supreme Chancellor Ood Bnar
Primary reason

In the 45 days since his last award, Grot has become quite the active presence in Arconan social circles. He’s participated in two competitions, earning himself a crescent with Topaz Star. A warm and bright light on discord, Grot is always willing to chat with the other Galereans and Arconans and always willing to help out when he can.

Grot, you didn't think you’d get another medal this soon I suspect but I’m quite happy to be able to write you another recommendation. Enjoy the Steel Cross!

Supreme Chancellor Ood Bnar, 2024-01-17 12:09:49 UTC