Grand Cross events for Vail Aquillarum Unteminar

Grand Cross events
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Aragorn has been AED of Ektrosis for probably about a year. In that time he's always been there when myself or the previous QUA have needed him. He's brought a degree of stability to the house, invaluable during large scale competitions such as the recent GJW. And of course, he's done the normal AED-esque duties such as running house comps. Now that he's stepping down for a well earned break, I'd like to recognise his devotion to Ektrosis and his long period of service. -Alanna

I would also like to add that his constant leadership through all competitions, and high level of motivation for the members has tipped many competitions in our favor. He's been extremely dedicated, especially during the recent GJW where he sent emails to each member in the house 5+ times just for phase 2. He more than deserves this.

, 2003-04-13 22:00:00 UTC