Character Snapshot (Alaisy "Aphotis" Tir'eivra)

Character Snapshot for Alaisy "Aphotis" Tir'eivra, Governor of Kasiya (2024/06/17, Alaisy "Aphotis" Tir'eivra vs. Specialist Titius Osseus)

Alaisy "Aphotis" Tir'eivra, Governor of Kasiya

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Taldryan
Female Ryn, Sith, Arcanist, Nightsister
Height: 2.23 m / 7'4" - Weight: 82.0 kg / 181 lbs
Age: 28 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Alaisy’s Appearance

Aphotis has very long, thick jet-black hair often worn in a high, tight ponytail, that reaches all the way down to her hips. Her upturned eyes are the color of an unnaturally intense electric blue that has a slight glow to it. Her hard-angled, upward eyebrows are kept on fleek and give her demeanor a further edge.

Her defined jawline and high cheekbones complement that sleek aesthetic, especially when coupled with her small refined nose and full lips. The Sith tends to wear shiny black lipstick to make them appear even more luscious.

Despite being immensely tall, she carries herself with an abundance of confidence, keeping her head high and back straight. She has a slender mesomorph body with a small waist, wide hips, and a large bust.

Tir'eivra has a compassionate, yet judgmental aristocratic lilt to her voice with a hint of smokiness.

Skin & Alterations

Aphotis' devotion to Sith Alchemies and genetic research led her to hybridize the Ryn genetic code with that of a Human. Her prehensile, jet-black-colored tail has a sleek, glossy texture. Its thick base merges with the pale skin around her tailbone with a gentle gradient. The smooth, thin-tipped tail is slightly longer than one of her legs.

Her porcelain skin is poreless, scarless, and silky smooth, while her neck is covered by black tattoos that have a slight sheen to them. Experiments on her own body have intentionally induced alopecia, removing any trace of body hair. The upper and lower parts of her neck have markings with wide circles, while the middle parts display runes that chronicle the journey of her life as a Sith. Alaisy's long, knife-edged eyeliner with straight wings and inner corners is also tattooed on permanently and has been given a subtle shimmer.

Loadout: The Shiny Sith's toolkit (Snapshot)
My Future Is Coming On... (General Aspect)

Years of alchemical studies, countless Sith rituals, and many somewhat immoral experiments have considerably deepened Alaisy's understanding of the darker arts. Her endless pursuit has led her to unearthing secrets and truths that ancient scholars once only dreamed of comprehending. One such endeavor is the symbiotic relationship she shares with her alchemically-treated bodysuit, and how it has affected her views and goals.

Where once the Sith’s passion came off as impatient due to an impending internal doomsday clock, her confidence and understanding now lead her to be much more calm, rational, and analytic in her machinations. Like an ancient tree watching the world shift and change around her, Alaisy now plays a much longer game with her mind always thinking of the future. This change in focus, leaves her a bit more vulnerable and less in control of her immediate future, leading to more unpredictable and wild encounters.

Scarousal (General Aspect)

Blending an appearance that looks both harrowing and alluring is no easy task. It is of the utmost importance to Alaisy that she looks impeccable and intimidating during any public appearance. All of that attention and self-care can take an incredible amount of time and effort to maintain. Combined with her prideful body language, this can often lead to others perceiving her as incredibly vain.

Yet where once she took offense to criticism, the Sith now feeds on the looks of both fear and excitement that her appearance warrants. She savors the whispers of warning just as much as the staring or leering at her various “assets”. Thanks to her hybridization experiments on her body, most often question how “Human” she really is, giving her a double-edged mystique that is either an invite to approach or a warning to steer clear.

Dark Etiquette (Personality Aspect)

Though mostly self-interested, Alaisy has a lurking desire to seek other souls to share her darkened thoughts and mischievous intentions with. She loves seduction, sinister suggestions, and has a particularly soft spot for dark, poetic flirtations, which can lead to her mistaking malicious attempts on her life as invitations or expressions of interest. This penchant for “play” does not extend into her distaste for overly cheerful or optimistic companions. She believes such behaviors to be disingenuous or an act of obfuscation.

For all of her dark etiquette, however, Alaisy has found that those she has seen prove themselves to be authentically upbeat as having an almost endearing appeal. During the rare moments she finally does share her happiness with others, she can seem almost a little too cheerful herself, which may be unsettling to others that expect her to be more cold and aloof.

Smiling Gives You Wrinkles (Personality Aspect)

Alaisy is unwaveringly pragmatic to the point of coming off as pessimistic and foreboding. In actuality, Tir’eivra simply knows the dangers of acting on a whim or on her own impulses and likes to lean on her intellectuality over raw willpower. The “Ivory Tower'' that forms around the Arcanist’s mind is grounded in the desire to face challenges head-on and to learn from them to grow more powerful. While each obstacle overcome is a fine addition to her collection of experiences, this can often lead her to take a more complex route to solve a problem rather than the more obvious and simple one she overlooked.

Wicked Trepidations (Combat Aspect)

The Arcanist has carefully studied how to pull a person’s fears to the surface, while also exploring the act of tracking her prey through links within the Force. She gets a malevolent pleasure from seeing her adversaries panic or fumble when their resolve reaches rock bottom. Even if her adversary is of strong enough will to be unphased by her pursuit, Alaisy is rarely conservative in utilizing her Force-sensitive abilities. This is mostly, in part, thanks to her confidence in siphoning energy from the Living Force whenever a break in combat presents itself. This of course can lead her to sometimes get carried away with her efforts, and without proper recovery time, she can become fatigued and be more easily overwhelmed by an opponent.

The Shiny Sith (Combat Aspect)

The ordnance Tir'eivra has attached to her suit doesn't just look sharp and shiny; it turns Alaisy into a veritable, living weapon. The outer part and tips of her heels are razor-edged and the pair of Vibro-Claws coupled with her Teräs Käsi and K'thri techniques will leave nasty cutting marks on her victims. Alaisy applies her Djem-So and Juyo lightsaber styles to her lightwhip attacks, adding raw power to frenzied strikes. The lashes aim to disarm and intimidate her opponents while keeping herself at a safe distance. Explosives are weaved in to keep Force-wielders on their toes.

The clanging of metal heels, the ringing of clipped-on grenades, and the frictive “pop” and “snap” of tight latex tend to be dead giveaways that the Sith is coming. While this puts a damper on stealth operations, the prominent woman is more concerned with leveraging her blunt ‘presence’ to her advantage.

Skill Feats
Whip It Good Precise Slice Ivory Tower
Force Feats
Force Drain II Debilitating Fear Static Shock III
Granted Feats
Order Feat: Sith Dowsing II Channel II Ryn: Shady Palm Tree Ryn: Made'ya'look
  • Ancient Sith
  • Basic
  • Ryn
  • Domination and Submission: the Galactic Compendium
  • Galactic Horticulture
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • Nightsister Rituals
  • Phobias and Fantasies: A Species wide Study
  • Sith Alchemy and Rituals
  • The Tarkin Doctrine: Ruling by Fear
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Teras Kasi
Secondary Martial Art K'thri
Primary Lightsaber Form Form VII (Juyo)
Secondary Lightsaber Form Form V (Djem So)