My bestprentice is getting close to finishing the Shadow Academy like the Hellmower had set out to do from the beginning. His writing quality from all of those courses has in my opinion improved by an incredible amount.
It's not only Shadow Academy activity that he shows however, he is also very interested in helping new recruits out and has given me a hand with a few already. He’s also taken a dive into the Voidbreaker roleplay weekends and has shown serious character development for his main.
He is never afraid to ask questions and is always eager to improve things here in Clan Arcona and House Qel-Droma. Whenever he comes online he makes sure to greet everyone in Clan Chat on Telegram and I am curious to see just how far he’s come once the next big event goes live in the Dark Brotherhood.
An Anteian Cross for my Apprentice is more than deserved I think!
Mistress Aphotis, 2020-02-13 10:45:02 UTC
Aru has certainly earned his nickname of “Hellmower” with the way he burns through shadow academy courses. It feels like almost every day that I get an absolute flood of emails about his progress. It is the kind of activity I love to see. I’m proud to have him as a member of my battleteam and call him a brother-in-arms of House Qel-Droma.
Aru is also incredibly tenacious in wanting to learn everything he can about the clan and the DJB as a whole. He is a sponge for information, absorbing everything he can. I truly feel that Aru’s influence will improve the club as a whole.
It is my honor to support this request.
Battlemaster Karran Val'teo, 2020-02-13 13:31:09 UTC