Character Snapshot (High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson)

Character Snapshot for Knight Appius Wight (2019/09/22, Knight Appius Wight vs. Raider Kano Tor Tydex)

Knight Appius Wight

Journeyman 4, Journeyman tier, Clan Vizsla
Male Human, Force Disciple, Sorcerer
Height: 1.92 m / 6'4" - Weight: 92.07 kg / 203 lbs
Age: 27 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Appius is a relatively tall human with pale skin and a slender body build with brown hair that he chooses to keep short to hide the fact his hairline is receding at the sides. He has deep blue eyes which display all that he is feeling at any given moment. He has long arms, hands and legs which are natural given his height. He has a long horizontal scar across the left side of his body located where his left kidney used to be. The result of a plasma arrow that embedded itself into him during GJW XIII

Loadout: Appius Wight (Snapshot)
One With The Force (General Aspect)

Appius Wight is a firm believer in the will of the Force. For better or worse he believes that everything happens for a reason and that every living being is connected to the Force whether they are sensitive or not. Much to the annoyance of some around him.

A Little Downtime (General Aspect)

Life is extremely difficult in the galaxy and that's especially true for Appius Wight. He is many things. A Force Disciple, a child at heart, a man who likes a good joke and a caring, emotional soul. But one thing is for certain, he is very much an introvert and every now and then requires some time alone. Whether to meditate or just recharge his batteries so to speak. Socialization can be taxing on him so it's good to have a break.

A Change Of Perspective (Personality Aspect)

After the events of GJW XIII, Appius Wight has become disheartened by the Jedi code and fails to understand why they beleived in no emotion, yet peace in a universe full of conflict and strife.

Despite this, Appius Wight remains on the path of the light. He remains approachable, easy to get on with and willing to do what he can for those he considers friends and allies and very much wears his heart on his sleeve.

Unfortunately events in his life means that he has developed a deep need to be accepted and appreciated by those around him.

The Greater Good (Personality Aspect)

Appius Wight hates conflict in any way shape or form both in combat and in personal relationships. However, when it comes to the Greater Good he will often do whatever is necessary to achieve it. Even if it messes with his Moral Compass somewhat.

Moral Compass (Combat Aspect)

Appius Wight will try not to kill in combat if he can help it and prefers to maim or seriously injure if he needs to and would rather avoid conflict altogether if he can. However, if one were to break Appius Wight's moral code by, for example, torturing those he cares about or slaughtering innocents without remorse then his "Moral Compass" turns south and his emotions take control. What happens next could be something Appius regrets. Or not depending on the situation.

The Force Is My Ally. And A Powerful Ally It Is (Combat Aspect)

Being a Sorceror, Appius Wight much prefers using the powers of the Force at range to deal damage to enemies and will only ever draw his lightsaber(s) as a last resort if needed. However, this emphasis on Force Powers can leave him drained physically, emotionally and spiritually depending on the powers used.

In close combat he will use his training in Niman in conjunction with Force powers to either find an opening to strike from range again or just beat his opponent if he can. However, Niman's relaxed bladework struggles without the Force and can leave Appius Wight vulnerable if his connection is cut from it by the Suppression Force Power.

Skill Feats
Force Feats
Lance I Accelerated Healing I Static Shock I Saber Throw Blinded By The Light
Granted Feats
Order Feat: Force Disciple Battle Mind I Human: Eye Of The Tiger Human: Just Another Face
  • Basic
  • Mando'a
  • Ancient artifacts and holocrons.
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Sliding Hands
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form VI (Niman)