Anteian Cross events for Jades A Sadow

Anteian Cross events
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Kat Pridemore
Primary reason

For exemplary service to the clan during the Clan Feud, and for valuable assistance to the House in the form of participation in multiple events, and on the behalf of the Sadow Conclave of May 2006, I hereby request the Star of Antei for Imperial. ~ Kat Pridemore, Quaestor of Marka Ragnos

Kat Pridemore, 2006-05-22 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

In the Sixth Great Jedi War, Guardian Imperial participated in 6 events, scoring 65 points for Clan Naga Sadow, all the while serving as Battle Team Leader. For Imperial's contributions to the Great Jedi War, and our second place finish, as well as leading a battleteam, I'm pleased to give a Star of Antei! Congratz!<br> ~SW Derev Niroth, QUA of HMR

, 2006-09-01 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Shin'ichi Keibatsu
Primary reason

For her consistent and dedicated service to her House as Envoy. It takes a special breed to stick with something that can be just as demanding as any BTL, AED, or even QUA role, and I truly believe she is one of those special few.<br> - SW Ashura Isradia Clan Envoy of Clan Naga Sadow<br> <br> Since taking the role of Envoy for House Marka Ragnos DJK Imperial has made certain that each new and returning member to that house is well informed of their options, opportunities and other valuable pieces of information. She has made herself available to help any and all members of the clan and has done an outstanding job of communicating not only with new members but with the other envoy's and the summit as well. Her reports are concise and useful and her attitude is outstanding. Aside from this she recently also participated in a few events for the Great Jedi War. For these reasons do we wish to award her the Anteian Cross.<br> - KPN Shin'ichi Endymiron Keibatsu Proconsul of Clan Naga Sadow

Shin'ichi Keibatsu, 2007-08-26 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Shi Kensei
Primary reason

For participating in 9 events in 'Vendetta: Disorder', the HNS Summit hereby awards this Anteian Cross.

Shi Kensei, 2010-11-11 13:05:43 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Master Bentre Stahoes
Primary reason

Since her last recognition, Jades has competed in 23 competitions, 4 of which were during our Great Jedi War. has written 5490 words over 7 fiction activities, has written another 4255 words over six run-on posts, and even managed to squeeze in a PvP match. She has gathered four crescents: 1 Crescent with a Diamond Star, a Crescent with an Emerald Star, and two Crescents with a Topaz Star. She has gathered Clusters of Fire (3), Clusters of Ice (7), Clusters of Graphite (4), a Seal of Loyalty, and of course 4 Seals of Discord for her contributions in the War.

When the cry went up for Sadows, as well as our other Sadowans, to rise up with us to rock the Great Jedi War, Jades was one of those who answered the call. Though life had put her DB life on pause for some time, Jades voiced a desire to get involved in the War effort. For both her willingness to help Naga Sadow in our time of need and War, and her previous activity, I hope that this small token,in the form of a Anteian Cross, will serve as a means to thank Jades for her continued support of the Sadowan Clan and by extension its members.

Bentre Kairn'tel Sadow

Overlord of Naga Sadow

Master Bentre Stahoes, 2019-09-20 06:51:35 UTC