Dark Cross events for Annika Anthos

Dark Cross events
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Adept DarkHawk Sadow
Primary reason

Primary Reason:

It is always an honor to be able to initiate award recommendations for our members. It is especially impressive when it's one of our young Journeymen making an impact. Acolyte Annika Anthos joined the Clan a year ago this month. As a new member and without hesitation she dove into the Club’s activity bins, namely gaming.

Acolyte Anthos has participated in thirteen comps to include eighteen gaming activities. By doing so, she has amassed 3 Pendants of Blood, 67 Clusters of Earth, 26 Clusters of Fire and 1 Crescent with Emerald star for herself.

It is very refreshing to see our Journeyman not being afraid to immerse themselves in the Club upon their arrival. Gaming is a big arena and from all the feedback she held her own and will definitely be a force to be reckoned with.

It is with great pleasure that I can be a part of this recommendation. Acolyte Annika Anthos congratulations on this accomplishment and we look forward to many more!

DarkHawk Sadow


Clan Naga Sadow

Adept DarkHawk Sadow, 2022-05-14 02:43:38 UTC
Additional reasons

Several members have come and gone over the years. Some stay in the background, some decide to take the club by the horns, and some others are only able to sporadically show themselves. Sometimes, life can just be a bit hectic. Sometimes, we don't have the time that we wish we did. This is true of Annika.

What is also true of Annika? She has continued to participated in the club when she has had the time. She has been in her current rank for quite a while now, as a matter of fact, some eight months now. Despite the long stretches where she has been unable to hang around with Naga Sadow, for personal reasons, she has still come back on occasion. In her time with us, Annika has, beyond her two participations in the Naga Sadow Blackguard competitions, participated in 11 competitions. The lion's share of these competitions have been gaming competitions, where this Journeyman has been primarily focused on gaming competitions. She has participated in 9 distinct cluster race gaming competitions since her last promotion, with two of them being official FIST-staff-run affairs.

Having 7 gaming competitions, an Emerald Crescent for a Heroes of the Storm comp, 23 Clusters of Earth and a singular passed course on her record since her last promotion, I figured that a bit of recognition is the least that we could do. I am glad that despite her long away times, Annika has chosen to come back time and again. I hope that this small token of appreciation from Master to student and Consul to member is enough to express my gratitude to even the youngest of our members.

It has been encouraging to see how just this evening, despite having only played Jedi Academy for a few hours, that Annika was already taking to the dueling game platform and starting to put the pressure on her master. She expressed an enjoyment of the game, and I believe that her positive attitude could see her go far in the club, in her own time. Hopefully this will be but the first of many such rewards. I hope that in time, as her free time open up, that Annika will become yet another treasured member of our little Clan family.

Congratulations on your first Dark Cross, Annika!

Bentre Stahoes
Overlord of Naga Sadow

Master Bentre Stahoes, 2022-05-14 02:36:28 UTC