Since joining the House, Ellisyn has made her presence felt in quite a few ways. Aside from organizing a competition, she has participated in 26 competitions, winning herself 6 Crescents (2 Amethyst, 2 Sapphire, 1 Emerald, & 1 Topaz). She has also earned herself 34 Clusters of Earth and managed to rank up 18 times across the various societies.
It is in writing and RPing that Ellisyn stands out however, having written almost 38.000 words across 21 fiction activities. Amongst these, she participated in 16 RP Sessions and organized a further three.
Ellisyn, I can already see alot more in your future with us. Congratulations on earning the Dark Cross!
Supreme Chancellor Ood Bnar, 2024-01-17 12:09:26 UTC