It feels like only 5 and a half months ago we saw you advance to the ranks of the Vanguard. Since then, you have continued to shine and be a valuable part of the Taldryan Republic. Even in the Great Jedi War, you walked away with a Gold and Bronze Novae; which we are immensely proud of you for.
Because of everything you have accomplished and by constantly demonstrating the values of what it means to be a part of Taldryan, we are proud to award you with this Amethyst Kukri. May your stabs be swift, and your enemies shanked in defense of the Republic.
Congratulations, Centam!
Lady Second Cassandra Oriana Tyris
Supreme Chancellor of the Taldryan Republic
Clan Taldryan
Sage Cassandra Oriana Taldrya, 2023-10-24 05:38:08 UTC