Character Snapshot (Captain Marcus "The Chemist" Ignis)

Character Snapshot for Knight Cade Tezo (2023/03/31, Proselyte Atashi Rain vs. Knight Cade Tezo)

Knight Cade Tezo

Journeyman 4, Journeyman tier, Clan Scholae Palatinae
Male Iktotchi, Sith, Juggernaut
Height: 1.8 m / 5'11" - Weight: 100.0 kg / 220 lbs
Age: 31 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Cade Tezo is a Iktochi with Human impacts from his father's side. He mostly is a true copy of his father, sporting the typical long, forward curved horns, which every Iktochi has, a brown, sun-touched skin with no hair. Except a dark brown circular shaved black beard and the dark brown thick eyebrows, he must have gained from his mothers' side. His eyes are brightly yellow and darken to an orange, golden tone when entering his rage in battle. A small scar runs down from the middle of his right eye and his whole bode features scars everywhere, as he often runs into danger without thinking. He carved strange looking patterns in his horns and polishes them daily, which is seen as a weird obsession by his allies. He is trained, especially in the shoulder, arms and back area where he is showing off his well trained muscles.

Loadout: Ready for the Hunt (Snapshot)
Spacer (General Aspect)

Cade Tezo has no home planet, at least not one that he can remember. As a child, Cade Tezo would spend most of his time on different starships and grew accustomed to the atmosphere and nuances of space and the various crafts that traverse it. As a result, Cade Tezo feels more comfortable on a ship than on any planet.

Strategist (General Aspect)

Through a combination of preparing, studying, and analyzing, Cade Tezo creates detailed battle plans and tries to think two steps ahead of the enemy. At times, however, this can lead to Cade Tezo creating complicated schemes that can baffle less intelligent subordinates.

Looking for Trouble (Personality Aspect)

Cade Tezo has a very bad attitude. He enjoys picking fights and causing trouble, and as such, he isn't phased by most encounters because, let's face it: he tends to be involved in quite a few of them around here!

We Must Protect This House! (Personality Aspect)

Cade Tezo is devoutly loyal to his House or Clan and will follow orders unquestionably. He would sacrifice his own life to protect his House or Clan from harm. This attitude, however, often clouds his ability to see things from an arbitrary or objective point of view and he can come off as extremely narrow-minded.

Executioner (Combat Aspect)

Cade Tezo wears out his opponents through use of the Force, agility, and evasion. Once he has sufficiently tired his foes through the Force, physical, or mental assault, he quickly tries to find a means of cleanly and swiftly dispatching them - usually resulting in a somewhat risky all-or-nothing attempt at a deathblow.

Tonight, We Dine in Hell! (Combat Aspect)

Cade Tezo possesses a single minded drive for victory, and a deep-seated martyr complex. When presented with a chance to wade into battle versus overwhelming odds, Cade Tezo does not hesitate, and instead rushes in, relying on skill, fate or chance to let him survive.

Skill Feats
Spinning Is A Good Trick Constant Vigilance
Force Feats
Static Shock II Sokan
Granted Feats
Iron Pillar I Surge I Order Feat: Sith Iktotchi: Only When I Dream Iktotchi: No Trace of A Sound
  • Basic
  • Binary
  • Iktotchese
  • Mando'a
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Mandalorian Core
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form V (Djem So)