- Event ID
- 267313
- Award
- Amethyst Kukri
- Quantity
- 1
Non-site XP
- Requested by
- Envoy Zuza Lottson
- Primary reason
Well it's been quite a journey hasn't it? And wonderful timing too for these to come together for you Sivall. I'll start with the numbers as I always do, though it's the least impressive part of what Siv has been up to these last months.
She has organised 21 Competitions, Co-organizing 12, participated in 165 (33 of which containers). This has earned her 1 Crescent with a Diamond Star, 11 with ruby, 7 with Amethyst, 9 with Sapphire, 1 with Topaz and 3 with Quartz. Not only that, but Siv has completed 36 gaming acitivities for 288 Clusters of Fire, and 24 Fiction activities for 70 Clusters of Ice across 17 roleplays, 1 of which she gm'ed as well as 6 typical fictions. But of course it doesn't stop there, as she's earned 42 Clusters of Graphite, 4 Dark Side Scrolls, passed 8 SA courses for 4 Degrees and in doing all of this gained 12 society rank ups and earned 647,470 credits for Arcona!
That's a lot for what, 7 months? Espeically considering that for 5 months Siv has been AED of Galeres and QUA for the last 3 weeks. She has been an exceptional leader, taking the mantle with ease. From encouraging activity with her members through posting regular questions and updates to gathering data on what her members want to do, she's been the fresh breath of air in Galeres that was dearly needed. Siv has created multiple wiki articles, and spent hours of her time researching Selen and the locations appearances to getting her members accurate information about the location that they're playing in. She's also done surveys, ensuring that events and activity reflect what people actually want to do. Reports (5 of which since last award) have been on time, filled with useful information and new graphics that she designs herself.
She also has been a wonderful addition to the summit internally, to being part of the transition in January as a source of non-stop help. Whether it was proofing reports, helping in admin documents and organisation or being on the ground with worried members to provide not only a soundboard, but a source of comfort and information. She played a large part in how smoothly everything went and that alone is huge as it was often hours of effort being put into it. The entire summit can speak to how much effort she puts in every day to keeping up with what's going on, being informed and acting accordingly. It's a pleasure watching Siv work and while sometimes Siv needs to be reminded of this, I have no concerns of Galeres' future under her care and guiding hand.
And I seriously need to catch on to the next Cards Against Humanity night Siv sets up. Make it soon blue-berry, and enjoy the stabby while you've got it. (Maybe carve your initials into Ood, he won't notice!)
Envoy Zuza Lottson, 2024-05-25 23:02:44 UTC
- Additional reasons
The Amethyst Kukri was originally meant to reward exceptional dedication towards improving your unit or the club as a whole. Recipients had shown their dedication and focus on furthering a specific aspect of the Brotherhood far beyond what was expected of them.
These days, the Amethyst Kukri is awarded to those who have earned a large amount of XP through activity as well as dedicated service to their unit and/or club.
Under both of these definitions and systems, I would be writing a recommendation to award this medal to Zosi’val’ria. Her work to revitalize the Galerean and Arconan DBWiki presence, her dedication to support the members of the House she is leading, her massively impressive social presence on Discord, her desire to deliver anything she works on to an exceptional level of quality would merit the Amethyst Kukri being given out. Add onto that the extremely impressive amount of activity she partakes in and I think I don’t need to explain further why I am writing this supporting recommendation.
Siv, enjoy your first Amethyst Kukri. You’re now no longer on the medal rails either, congratulations on moving beyond that system! Try not to use the big pink stabby item to carve your name into Ood’s bark ok?
Supreme Chancellor Ood Bnar, 2024-05-25 17:48:13 UTC
Congratulations, Zosi’val’ria! Not for the fact that when I read Miss Siv’s name I do so in the tune of ‘Beata Maria’ in Hellfire from the Hunchback of Notre Damn, and it brings the nostalgia back in full force of one of my favorite movies. No, congratulations for your hard work and commitment to this club earning you an Amethyst Kukri! Dominating out here in graphic comps, collaborating and weaving stories in roleplays and fictions, gaming with peers. And on top of all that, being a solid mantle of a leader within not only Galeres but Arcona as well. Checking on and hearing out your members, providing engaging competitions and questions, ensuring they receive and understand changes in clan and brotherhood. You are a beacon of guidance, support, and community. When faced with a challenge, you are unafraid to roll up your sleeves and hop into the thick of information, to ask questions and seek advice. Resourceful is the word I’m looking for.
So congratulations, Siv, on your Amethyst Kukri. Please explain to Ood when you converse about carving initials that a pinkish amethyst is a ‘raspberry’ and you are most definitely ‘The Blueberry.’ <3
Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna, 2024-05-25 21:47:43 UTC
- Event ID
- 274389
- Award
- Amethyst Kukri
- Quantity
- 1
Non-site XP
- Requested by
- Envoy Zuza Lottson
- Primary reason
This award is one I've been very excited to make. Siv, you may not reside amongst the Shadows anymore but you've certainly left a you-shaped-divot in the cushions that awaits for when you visit. It was only May when we last awarded you for your efforts as a member and as a Quastrix but you made good use of that time. I'll hit the numbers first here.
Sivall organised 20 comps, co-organising 5 more while participating in 87 (19 containers) as well. In doing so she's earned a Bronze Nova from the Probowl, 6 Crescents with Ruby Stars, 3 with Amethyst, 5 with Sapphire, 3 with Emerald, 5 with Topaz and 1 Quartz on the end. She also ranked up 7 times in the societies, passed 2 SA Courses to earn 1 degree and earned a outstanding 320,600 credits for Arcona. As well as 80,180 for COU! This time has also included 13 gaming activites being completed, earning 44 clusters of Fire, 3 ACC battles and 12 other Fiction activites collecting Siv 29 clusters of Ice. Sprinkled on top are her 15 clusters of Graphite with 2 Dark Side scrolls because why not.
And frankly, this doesn't cover her activites as Quastor from her last award till the 17th of September when she decided to step away. Creating 3 reports on a constant routine basis despite how much the real world throws at her, as well as creating 5 reccs solo and supporting 8 others. These were all lovely, well thought out and crafted reccomendations that she put hard effort into. She also covered the beginning of Meero's training, spending time to ensure he knew what buttons did what and where to begin with being an Aedile of Galeres. Alongside that Siv has been a powerhouse on the wiki, not even something we expect from our leaders but she took in it stride. She updated the templates for AED and QUA of Gal, created an entire article for House Galeres' History to contain previous information to enable the tidying up of the main page. Which, she updated the current House Galeres page so you can find all that information as well as adding the recent relevant history to the page and leaving the article ready to be expanded by future leaders.
One of the first comps Siv ever ran was to create a motto for Galeres, using a competition to get her members involved. It now sits front and center on the wiki page and honestly that encapsulates Siv as a leader. From day 1, her thought was on her members and how to not only give them things to do, but to truly engage them and make them care for the House just as much as she does. It's been a pleasure to have had you among us Siv, and I can't wait to see what you bring to the future of this little nerd club we have here.
Enjoy the stabby hun, and stick 'em with the pointy end. Unless you're knocking them out, the handle is usually better for that!
Envoy Zuza Lottson, 2024-10-01 16:24:39 UTC
- Additional reasons
Sivall has created 15 unique graphics including headers, logos and infographics for the Emissary’s various releases as well as a signature for a fellow member.
She is a new addition to my staff, in fact, she has not been officially announced yet, but she’s an outstanding artist, eager and ever so talented. She shows incredible promise.
Siv, congratulations on your Amethyst Kukri! It’s well-deserved. Keep up the great work. The DB as a whole is lucky to have you.
Bale Andros, 2024-09-21 18:37:18 UTC
It isn't often that I look at someone and go, "Holy crap, I'm glad I hired them." Sivall is one of those people.
Sivall came on to my staff just three short months ago, and immediately got thrown into the deep end of working on the Brotherhood's member newsletter. She went well beyond my expectations on that project, performing most of the visual work herself, from the layout to the member art features.
Beyond her fantastic work on the newsletter, Sivall has also worked closely with Nora on our social media releases. The feature posts were her idea, and she's produced all of that content.
Sivall is also a major contributor to the Emissary Staff in less tangible ways. Her expertise in both art and digital marketing has made her a vital bridge between the Emissary and Herald Staffs, greatly simplifying the process on both teams. (Malfearak and I regularly get together to squee about how amazing it is to work with her.) Sivall's digital marketing expertise is also a huge benefit in working on social media campaigns and Emissary Staff work as a whole.
All in all, Sivall has been an invaluable asset to the Emissary Staff, and I'm thrilled to add my recommendation to this award. Congrats, Siv-berry!
Master Seraine "Erinyes" Taldrya Ténama, 2024-09-29 15:30:10 UTC