In the last seven months, Bale has made an impact on the club that few Heralds achieve in their entire terms. The work of the Herald's Office is, by its nature, highly visible, but the amount of planning, coordination, and effort that it takes to create all of the awesome armor, weapons, warbanners, report headers, and other graphics all happens behind the scenes. For Bale's part, he made 1 robe, 2 weapons, 1 warbanner, 4 accessories, 3 possessions icons, and 6 header graphics on top of reviewing and advising his staff on their own work. He created a new pointed/flat blade effect for lightsabers and designed a new image for the Letter of Reprimand (yay?), but the truly impressive work came in a flurry of activity over the last two or three months:
He designed our brand new 30th Anniversary logo from the ground up, using the old logo as inspiration but working through dozens of drastically different potential designs to land on the modern reimagining we launched recently. On top of all of the work that went on just to get to the point where we had selected the design of the new logo, Bale also spearheaded the identification of all of the uses of the old logo on the site and created dozens of variations of the new logo to replace it--the site header, news banners and report graphics, trophies and possessions, our Discord logo, emoji, and banner, all over the Wiki, and in our site-generated emails to name a few of the more significant.
Once the logo was out the door, he didn't just sit idle. He worked with James to redesign our site-generated email template to be more sleek and modern and to incorporate a very cool new banner prominently displaying the logo, and he worked with his incredible Praetor Alaisy to track down errors in the massive warbanner template .psd file, add new features, and redesign portions of it for better compatibility with the graphics software used by several members of the staff.
Finally, he's been a huge help on the DC in discussions relating to Seasonal planning, the recent XP changes, and the upcoming GMRG battle pass system. In short, he's one of a kind--there's a reason it took us 20 years to replace the logo that he originally designed after the Exodus--and I'm glad he's here. Congrats, Beard, and thanks!
Lord Dacien Victae, 2025-02-12 13:54:36 UTC