Character Snapshot (Bale Andros)

Character Snapshot for Savant Malfearak Asvraal (2023/05/15, Master Renatus vs. Savant Malfearak Asvraal)

Savant Malfearak Asvraal

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Taldryan
Male Kessurian, Force Disciple, Arcanist
Height: 1.92 m / 6'4" - Weight: 81.0 kg / 179 lbs
Age: 33 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

With his weatherworn, ash-pink skin, loose silver hair and stubble, this Kessurian male has the look of someone who moves around a lot, a wanderer, a nomad. This is accentuated by his lean, athletic build, defined muscles and the way he carries himself with a mixture of debonair nonchalance and world-weary confidence that almost contradict one another. His piercing gray-blue gaze is sharp yet jovial, evoking wisdom and mystery in equal parts. Some would describe him as roughly handsome, an easy smile and sharp features like his pronounced cheekbones, strong jaw and pointed chin, the whole crowned by a pair of horn-like montrals pointed backwards over his skull. Below these and above his eyes are the same pair of stumps or rounded nubs seen in most specimens of his species. Likewise, he has white spots of skin around his eyes, forehead and montrals as well as on his shoulders, though he has fewer than is common in other Kessurians.

Loadout: The Archaeologist (Snapshot)
It's Not The Years, It's The Mileage (General Aspect)

Malfearak has been through a lot in his years delving through the ancient ruins of the galaxy. A history book worth of scars and damaged tissue criss-cross his body, telling the story of an adventurer who narrowly escaped the jaws of death more often than he would ever care to admit. As a result, he looks older than he is, but more importantly, he feels older both mentally and physically. His shoulder joints and his left knee are now prone to inflammation when they are over-solicited. This recurring pain has made him quite endurant, or at least, he has learned to endure without complaint, though he is grateful to have the Force as an ally, often relying on its soothing touch to get through potential flare-ups.

That Belongs In A Museum (General Aspect)

An archaeologist by trade, Malfearak has devoted the better part of his career to the study of ancient cultures and artifacts, scouring the galaxy far and wide in the search of bits of history. He believes that the artifacts he discovers should be researched and well documented, that they are the property of no one man, to be used only for the betterment of the Brotherhood.

Now working in service of the Brotherhood and the Shadow Academy, he takes to the field as often as he can, sometimes staying out there for months at a time, alone or with a team, returning to civilization only to resupply before heading back out again. Afterall, if you want to be a good archaeologist, you gotta get out of the library.

Nothing Shocks Me, I’m A Scientist (Personality Aspect)

Archaeology is the search for facts, not truths. Malfearak has been trained to expect the unexpected, to keep an open-mind and welcome any information that will challenge and test pre-established notions. This concept extends to all spheres of his life, from his job, to politics, combat or even a casual discussion about the weather. All information is to be considered, must be considered. This meshes well with his inquisitive nature and his general thirst for knowledge and understanding. With Malfearak, no detail is too small and no stone is left unturned. This can be infuriating to those of a more rigid nature, those who are less malleable in their opinions, who wish for a swift and definitive conclusion to a topic.

I Can Only Say I’m Sorry So Many Times (Personality Aspect)

Say one thing about Malfearak Asvraal, say he has good intentions. Unfortunately, good intentions don't mean much when you have a knack for making bad, sometimes selfish decisions, regardless of the reasons. Malfearak has a particularly poor history when it comes to romantic entanglements. He loves women and some love him back. Therein lies the problem. He’s the type of person that can love multiple people sincerely without manifesting actual romantic attachment. Despite his honest feelings, he can easily get lost in his research, all but forgetting about those he loves, a problem compounded by his habit of disappearing for months on end. As a result, he’s left many feeling neglected and heart broken and is now reluctant to engage in genuine relationships.

Happens To Me All The Time (Combat Aspect)

Be it against pirates, soldiers, Force cultists or beasts of many kinds, Malfearak has faced his fair share of combat through the years, leaving him quite battle-hardened. He does not harbor desires of conquest and domination like the Sith nor does he feel duty bound to protect those weaker than he is because he can call upon the Force as would the Jedi. He fights when he must and has no qualms about killing those that would threaten him whether they too wield the Force or only a meager blaster. He has faced mortal combat too often for him to retain any misgivings about employing deadly force. That being said, there are situations where his empathetic nature may supersede his ruthless tendency, for example, if he was attacked by starving, desperate civilians, in which case he would likely fight to disable while inflicting the least amount of damage.

I’m Making This Up As I Go (Combat Aspect)

Despite his intellect, Malfearak was never much of a dejarik player and he’s not the kind of person to think five moves ahead. He just doesn’t have much of a mind for strategy. What he is good at is improvisation and using the environment to gain the upper hand. In combat, he often switches between a single-handed forward grip and a reverse grip, adapting his style and movement to match the situation and exploit flaws in his opponent’s attacks. Though he is not as physically gifted as some of the more accomplished saberists of this age, he uses the Force to amplify his physical capabilities and weaves it in between lightsaber attacks to great effect. This reliance on the Force can be taxing for the mind and his lack of respect for strategy can be detrimental in large scale combat operations.

Skill Feats
Droid Whisperer
Force Feats
Sokan Psychometry I Elementary I Know That Feel, Bro
Granted Feats
Kessurian: Keen Hearing Kessurian: Spatial Awareness Order Feat: Force Disciple Dowsing II Channel II
  • Basic
  • Binary
  • Kessurian
  • ur-Kittat
  • Archaeological Studies & Practices
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The Manipulation and Conservation of Force Artifacts
  • The Study of Ancient Cultures of the Galaxy
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
  • Zoological Studies and Practices
Primary Martial Art Teras Kasi
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form VI (Niman)
Secondary Lightsaber Form None