Sapphire Blade events for Dr. Bril Teg Arga Erinos

Sapphire Blade events
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Non-site XP
0 XP
Requested by
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
Primary reason

What can you say about Bril aside from "damn!"? His activity has been excellent since his arrival in Clan Plagueis in April, making short work of the progression to the rank of Equite 1. Some folks tend to hit that rank and slow down, but not Bril. He's continued to blast his way through activities, amassing experience that has elevated him to the level of a Sapphire Blade. He has now graduated from crosses to the first medal one can inflict serious bodily harm with!

Since his last medal recognition, Bril has on damn near every activity metric. Competitions? 51 entries earning crescents of the following variety: 4 Diamond, 5 Ruby, 2 Amethyst, 2 Sapphire, 1 Emerald, 2 Topaz, and 1 Quartz. Fiction activity? Well, he's completed 3 ACC matches, 13 fiction activities, totaled just over 42,500 words written, and a cool 99 Clusters of Ice. He's even pulled in 403 Clusters of Earth and 12 Clusters of Graphite. Rounding it all out, he completed 16 Shadow Academy courses and earned 6 degrees. Suffice it to say, domination. He has also been one of the most active members of the Plagueis community, helping build an active and engaged clan at the levels Plagueis has not seen in quite some time. It cannot be overstated how important member to member engagement is, and Bril has been a huge driver of it for us here in the Ascendant Clan.

As such, having amassed the requisite 5,125 medal XP, it gives me great pleasure to recommend this Sapphire Blade for Bril Teg Arga. His contributions have not passed without notice to his Clan mates and the Plagueis summit. Well done, and keep up the great work!

Master Selika Roh di Plagia, 2023-07-05 17:47:30 UTC
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Non-site XP
500 XP
Requested by
Envoy Zuza Lottson
Primary reason

Watching Bril flourish in his position of BTL has been a delight. Not only has he been running the surveys, but entirely solo with analysing the data and taking on board feedback, spending at least two hours of his own time to ensure that the data was not only collected properly, but processed and accounted for. The events he's planning for the future are solely based on that feedback and currently don't have a set time he's put into it, but the BT will be based on the members and what they will enjoy. Even if someone was interested in an idea and no one else was, Bril still wants to support them and make sure every member under him has a good experience. He hasn't had much time to prove himself, landing in the midst of quite a tumultous time in Arcona, but he has situated himself in the Summit and already takes a part in both the important and goofy conversations. He will sit in discussions on many topics, dedicating his free time to not only understanding but contributing to them. The Dajorran Marshalls are in good hands, and we all can only wait to see the fruits of his labour. To say he joined the Brotherhood just short of a year ago, it's a testament to him as a person that Bril has taken to the role of a leader as he has.

None of this speaks to his continued *bril*liant presence as a member, which he still somehow has time for despite his new responsibilities.

Awesome job brillbee. Take this W or.. something. You did good, bro. Yeet.

Envoy Zuza Lottson, 2024-03-25 15:09:40 UTC
Additional reasons

Since earning his Amethyst Kukri, about two months ago, Bril has been an absolute hurricane of activity. He’s participated in about a hundred competitions, earning himself 11 Clusters (1 Diamond, 4 Ruby, 1 Amethyst, 3 Sapphire, 1 Topaz, & 1 Quartz). He’s participated in 16 fiction activities, adding up to over 28.000 words, earning himself 57 Clusters of Ice. Additionally, his gaming activities have netted him 50 Clusters of Earth. He’s ranked up 3 times across the various societies. Additionally he’s passed a Shadow Academy Course.

All of this personal activity on top of serving as Battleteam Leader of the Dajorran Marshalls for the last two months. In said role, he has been planning various activities, organising surveys to better coordinate the team and its activities with where the members’ interests lie. I will say here, for a first time leader, Bril has hit the ground running and is showing himself to be a very promising leader.

On the social side, Bril has flourished greatly and is becoming an integral part of the day to day experience of Galereans on the Discord. Seemingly always around to joke around with the members, yet also there to support them and if needed soothe tempers.

Bril, you’re an excellent BTL and a great asset to House Galeres. Have another Sapphire Blade! And don’t wait too long to force me to write another recc for you.

Supreme Chancellor Ood Bnar, 2024-03-25 15:04:20 UTC