Grand Cross events for Dr. Work't

Grand Cross events
Event ID
Grand Cross
Non-site XP
0 XP
Requested by
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Primary reason

I emerge once again from the grave and mutilated wasteland of my inbox, ash and heresy as far as the eye can see; standing above it all, radiant in glorious purpose...this one freaking Ewok telling me to buy him some B-1 droids.

While that request while be forever denied, one can't deny that JB is an excellent student and member! Since his last award, our new littlest brother has participated in 13 competitions, 16 gaming activities, and one fiction activity. In the course of those, he's earned himself a whopping 124 Clusters of Fire, 30 Clusters of Earth, and 3 Clusters of Ice for his ACC participation. But of course, (gets it? Course? Haaaah) the body of his work has been among the archives of the Shadow Academy. In the last few weeks, he has passed another 12 courses, and gained 3 more degrees, achieving himself a tidy rank up in the Aurora Collegium as he murdered me continued to improve his average course score. In this process, he also found and reported an error in one course, and for that earned a Scroll of Foundation.

It's for all this excellence that we are pleased to see Work't Work't receive his first Grand Cross. Congratulations, and well done. Next up Headmaster I mean the world I mean, more awards!

Proconsul, Clan Arcona

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2023-10-14 16:16:33 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Non-site XP
2278.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Councillor Turel Sorenn
Primary reason

Work't has been a valuable asset to the Fist staff during his six-month term, providing a crucial fresh perspective as a younger-in-the-club member. As a Magistrate his direct responsibility is helping take care of the queue. In this current term Work't has provided detailed review and timely processing for 64 gaming submissions directly impacting 44 unique members.

Beyond his administrative duties with the queue Work't has participated in every staff discussion and policy decision over the six months. He's been involved in and provided critical input to the development of 3 new platform proposals (Dead by Daylight, Halo Infinite Firefight, and Helldivers 2), a major policy change for Casual Queue (Cards Against Humanity Special Rule), and the overhaul of the GMRG society rewards and progression. Work't also drafted and submitted a Shadow Academy course for Discord Pazaak to help newer members enjoy that new platform that is currently pending publication.

On behalf of the gaming community thank you for your frank counsel and hard work.

Councillor Turel Sorenn, 2024-04-02 02:57:31 UTC