Amethyst Kukri events for Trevarus Irad Caerick

Amethyst Kukri events
Event ID
Amethyst Kukri
Requested by
Jac Cotelin
Primary reason

Trevarus Caerick has always been an important member of the Dark Brotherhood. He is creative, wise and willing to contribute to any venture. Over the years, I have come to know Trev as one of my closest friends and advisors.

For the last couple months, I have witnessed a renewed sense of urgency in Trev to work towards finishing his many projects. He has been piled on with the DSC, Hush Hush, the DV, and lots of other fictional elements of the DB that I ask him to help with. Trev has been working for a long time to get these things done and we are beginning to see great progress from the office of the Oracle. The new DSC has finally had the first few sections released, and more are soon to come. He and I working well together, and I think he has had a change in outlook for the better.

I have thought long and hard about what to award Trev for his recent service. When I looked at his dossier I noticed the gaping hole where the Amethyst Kukri should have been. Today I fill that hole.

I award Trev this Amethyst Kukri for his recent endeavors with the Dark SIde Compendium and the renewed activity toward completing that. I do fully believe that this award does not truly represent what the whole of the new DSC will mean for the DB -- that higher award is for another day.

For now, I just want to say to Trev: thank you. I appreciate your work as of late and I hope that It continues.

Lord Jac Cotelin

Jac Cotelin, 2005-11-07 23:00:00 UTC