While the Seal of Loyalty recognizes numerous members of the Brotherhood, the Silver Sash instead recognizes only one such member every year for their outstanding allegiance and consistent service to the Brotherhood over the course of that year. Recipients of the Silver Sash are the true pillars of the Dark Brotherhood, many times foregoing their own personal goals and instead working towards the betterment of the club as a whole. A member may only be rewarded this honor once.<br>
This year, the Silver Sash is awarded to Combat Master Dalthid. Dark Jedi Master Dalthid has been a pillar of the Dark Brotherhood and has placed the organization above his own personal needs. Dalthids continued selfless service and dedication is an example for all members of the Dark Brotherhood to follow and I am proud to award him with this great honor. Congratulations Dalthid!
Grand Master Declan Roark, 2007-04-13 22:00:00 UTC