As Grand Master, it is a dream to have a Dark Council with self-motivated, independent and initiative-filled members. I constantly look to the Dark Council members to step up and fill their roles with new ideas, to work without being prodded along, and to have a pride in their work that is second to none.
Dalthid has exceeded every expectation I have had for him in his role s Combat Master. He has served in the position for over a year now, and in every aspect of the ACC he has made great improvements.
Most recently, Dalthid has made leaps and bounds worth of progress in adding to the documentation for the ACC. He has overhauled the compendium, created manuals for judges and trainers and created guides for new members. He has been hard at work making sure that every idea in his head is transferred to hard copy -- a goal that you should now know matches exactly what I want to see for the whole of the DB.
Dalthid is consistent. He is knowledgeable. He loves his job and will do his best to make sure the ACC succeeds. If I had my druthers, he would be CM forever -- no leaving, Dal.
We appreciate all that you do, Dalhid. As recognition of that, I hereby award you an Emerald Dagger.
Jac Cotelin, 2006-03-28 22:00:00 UTC