Dalthid does a ton as Combat Master, but on the side, he has also managed to bring out a different side of the DB -- the rockin' side!
For a long time, Dalthid has been writing, singing and recording songs that are about the Brotherhood, Star Wars and different aspects of our community. While some people still don't know about the songs, the ones that do rave about them. It has been recommended to me several times that Dalthid be awarded for writing them.
I was not sure what was an appropriate award for this, until I received Dalthid's Internal Report today. I then realized that no matter what I give him, and what I give it to him for, it would be deserved. Dalthid consistently goes above and beyond the call of duty. He is an excellent member, and excellent Combat Master and, as it would seem, an excellent song writer. We appreciate all that he does, and extend out gratitude with this award.
, 2005-09-18 22:00:00 UTC