Grand Cross events for Master Selika Roh di Plagia

Grand Cross events
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Emperor Thran Occasus-Palpatine
Primary reason

For Major contributions to Clan Scholae Palatinae's Rite of Supremacy 2010. For placing in several events and leading the charge! Great job Solus! Great work particularly in gaming and graphics! Solus Competed in 9 events and also placed in several of them. Solus' contributions helped to keep our clan on track. His contributions and assistance of other members was truly fantastic. While Solus did not care to participate in many of the events, he sucked it up and participated for the good of his clan. Well earned!


Emperor Thran Occasus-Palpatine, 2010-04-19 19:56:03 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae
Primary reason

(This request is belated and for that, I sincerely apologise.)

Solus Gar was an exemplary member in the Great Jedi War. If all members worked as hard, and with such skill as he, the Dark Brotherhood would be a collection of artisans and scholars. He was a powerhouse of activity, always active, always helpful and always producing entries of the highest calibre.

The delay of this request has been a misunderstanding in the nature of reward. However, after much deliberation, it is now time to outline his accolades and award him in a manner only suited to one of his ability and dedication.

Solus Gar returned to activity in the second week of the Great Jedi War. Soon establishing himself as a force to behold, Solus Gar jumped into all of the Clan projects, offering his services across the board. He helped the newer members of the Clan get onto their feet, he proof-read and edited posts, he even went as far as to guide the newer members in a manner normally displayed by the most successful of leaders. Moreover, during the weeks of his activity over the war, he managed to rack up three bronze, three silver, and three gold Novae. This is an astounding example of top-three placements. Moreover, when one takes into account his overall participation (twenty-eight events total) it is clear that Solus Gar put his all into Arcona’s war effort. As a result, he acquired tenth position Brotherhood-wide for his participation and successes.

To say that he led the Clan from the trenches would be an understatement. Rather, he set the bar, and then helped to push members towards it. This is the kind of activity one could only hope to acquire from a member of one’s Summit; for it to be one of the Clan’s general populous is simply staggering.

It is for his demonstration of activity, skill, leadership and participation, and for his significant part in getting Arcona first place, that I request Solus Gar be rewarded with a Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

You were a fantastic help, Slagar. Your work was greatly appreciated.


~Wuntila Entar Arconae, Consul of Clan Arcona.

Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae, 2012-01-26 05:07:30 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Lord Evio Nezsa
Primary reason

Selika joined several discussing during the early development stages, when I was sharing a massive powerpoint format among a small team and trying to maintain focus, and provided great insight and commentary on early logic around space vehicle categorization and structure as well as deeper discussion into what a future state of the unit troops and military forces structure would look like that's in use today. While many of these discussions merely led to launching a flexible system with features to be implemented, this was important work to ensure our systems can grow in the future and be even more beneficial to the membership. Later, his deep knowledge of Star Wars and attention to detail helped to correct several items and ensure a higher quality and more accurate set of items is available today. For all the help on these discussions and bringing issues to my attention, I recommend Selika for this Grand Cross. Thank you.

Lord Evio Nezsa, 2016-12-09 23:21:03 UTC