Sapphire Blade events for Bryar Bowl Champion Benevolent Taldrya Whiner

Sapphire Blade events
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Kir Taldrya Katarn
Primary reason

In the wake of the recent Obelisk Rite of Supremacy, no one in the Brotherhood can argue Dinaari’s dominance. When you look into why this is true, you come upon a sometimes quiet but always hardworking Quaestor behind the scenes. Benevolent Whiner has spent his entire time in the Brotherhood in Taldryan. He has worked his way up, from Battle Team member to leader, then to Aedile for almost a year, and most recently as Quaestor for six months. His smooth but relentless leadership style is a perfect fit for his House. He mixes high levels of personal activity with a drive that ignites his House to perform.

On top of his House leadership, Ben has been the Clan summits go-to guy for nearly all of our projects. He is always available to help, especially when our ideas need to be codified. He personally updates and upgrades the Taldryan website, which is an immense responsibility itself. Throughout all of this work he never complains, he just gets it done. He is probably the single most productive leader work-wise in the entire Clan. Without Ben we wouldn’t be able to realize half of the projects that make Taldryan the Clan it is today. He is indispensable for both House Dinaari and Clan Taldryan. For all of his efforts I would like to award him a Sapphire Blade. (CON Kir’s Departure Awards)

Kir Taldrya Katarn, 2005-10-11 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Primary reason

The position of Wiki Tribune is one of the most demanding positions within our club and is unfortunately one of the most underrated. The T:W must track, edit, and read thousands of entries to ensure the Dark Brotherhood Wiki maintains a high level of quality absent in most Wikis across the web. Ben has performed this job with a fluid ease and continues to handle the rigors of T:W with grace and skill. It has been five years since his last sacramental award and Ben is absolutely deserving of an reward for his exceptional work and dedication. -GM Pravus, Voice

Benevolent has been working under the radar on the Wiki for a great long time now, and he's been pretty awesome as a voice of reason in our DC discussion on how and why we do what we do. Ben has been one of those guys who recognize that leadership isn't tied to a position, but instead comes from action, from demeanor. He's a calm influence, someone who is always available to weigh in on something, to help tweak things, and to share another point of view to help us temper our ideas and priojects. Add this to his work as Wiki tribune, and it's easy to see that we need to reward him with something. Please accept this as a token of our esteem, Ben. Thank you for all that you do. It means a lot to us. --Muz Ashen, Dark Lord of the Sith

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2013-02-20 14:07:37 UTC
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Non-site XP
5125.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason


Grand Master Declan Roark, 2024-05-09 20:04:02 UTC
Additional reasons

The Dark Brotherhood Covenant formerly established temporary membership to the Star Chamber in 2017. Temporary membership in the Star Chamber requires senior Dark Jedi Brotherhood members who have shown an inherent desire to improve and protect the Dark Brotherhood. Temporary members are required to show high levels of discretion on topics ranging from the approval of a Grand Master to approving major club changes.

The Dark Brotherhood has been blessed to have several members serve in this role and do so with distinction. The following actions took place under the temporary member’s terms:

  1. The ratification of the Electorate’s Vote on two Grand Masters and three Justicars.
  2. Discussion and Approval of redefining the roles of Clan Leaders in our Club’s voting processes and the amendment of a Covenant Article to redefine the procedures for abstaining from Electorate level voting.
  3. The discussion and approval of moving the recruitment Tribune to a DC level position and thus expanding the Electorate DC votes to 9.
  4. The discussion on time sensitive leadership decisions to include the removal of summit level leaders for cause.
  5. Discussion and Approval of the Shadow Academies restructuring and the updating of the Headmaster’s Duties and Responsibilities.
  6. The reception, commentary, and vote of confidence in two different Grand Master’s club wide updates to the Star Chamber.
  7. A discussion and ultimately concurrence with the Grand Master on the process for new recruits entering the Dark Brotherhood. The aggressive downvoting of Sarin’s idea to put all new recruits in the Emissary’s Clan until they reach a certain rank (lols).
  8. Discussion and concurrence on the creation of a new Role Play society and its synergistic impact on multiple DJB systems and processes.
  9. Concurrence with the removal of the traditional Roll Master within the club.
  10. Maintaining exceptional decorum, maturity, and discretion while serving on the Star Chamber.
  11. Discussion and concurrence on updated crafting and possessions systems within the club. Gentlemen, thank you for your support to our club, your participation in club-changing events and systems, and your overall commitment to the Dark Brotherhood.

Grand Master Sarin/Grand Master Ashen/Grand Master Victae, Grand Master Firefox

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2024-05-09 15:53:50 UTC