Kidouses has shown an amazing blaze of activity. All of his works are quality and a pleasure to read. He has kept in contact with me and has shown he is more than ready to participate phyle activities. In the past he has offered me advice and assistance on more than one occasion in regards to the phyle workings. He helped to make this phyle possible once more and has my sincere thanks.
-KE Telona, TET of Keepers of the Night
I also add my support to this recommendation. I have seen Kidouses be very active, both when I was a member of the same phyle and now as Quaestor. He has shown consistent, and constant, activity to his phyle, which is best shown by the number of crescents he has been awarded over the previous few months. I strongly believe the Kidouses meets the qualifications for a Star of Antei.
-KE Anshar Kahn, QUA of Gladius
, 2004-02-05 23:00:00 UTC