DJM Alanna Taldrya has been recognized by her fellow Clan members for her amazing work in Clan Taldryan since her return more than a year ago after stepping down from KHP. Most of her time back has been serving as House Ektrosis Envoy. For all her work in the Clan we request an Amethyst Kukri (AK) be awarded.<br>
There is little that can be said to describe Alanna and her role in our Clan besides she is one of kind and a true leader in every sense of the word. Alanna rejoined Taldryan last year after stepping down from the position of Krath High Priestess. Not too long after that she began working with the new members of House Ektrosis. Alanna has done a remarkable job just in the last 5 months or so making Ektrosis the leading House in the Clan with active new members, bringing the entire House to a much higher activity status. She is so much more than a simply email sender, she is an Envoy that helps any member with whatever they need, step-by-step, one rank up at a time. Alanna doesn't want to be considered leadership or part of any Summit just as Envoy, but she deserves recognition for all that hard work. In my mind she is right beside the rest of us, even more so at times.<br>
There is another great thing about Alanna that must be mentioned. Whenever we hit a major event like the recent Clan Feud and the current Great Jedi War, she steps up not only to participate in whatever possible, but also to guide and direct the members through it all. Alanna doesn't have to think about doing this, it's just who she is. She is a caring, supportive, and loyal member and deserving of our respect and appreciation. For all here time as Envoy, and her excellent performance in the Great Jedi War so far (top 10 in points), I recommend she be publicly rewarded for it. Congratulations Alanna! <3<br>
For Taldryan,<br>
Obelisk Exarch Duga Taldrya Arkarso<br>
Consul and Son of Clan Taldryan<br>
Planetary Viceroy of Karufr<br>
Alanna is one of the most hardworking people I have worked with. In her job as Envoy, she is in contact with countless numbers of new recruits. I have personally witnessed Alanna welcoming new members on IRC more than once, and I know she is in contact through email to all of the recent arrivals to Ektrosis. Welcoming new members isn't the only part of an Envoy's work, however. Working with the rest of the Clan Summit, Alanna has been instrumental in tweaking the Ektrosis promotion guide. In addition to all her work as Envoy, Alanna has lead by example in this recent GJW, holding on to an MVP spot for multiple weeks. For all her hard work, Alanna deserves some thanks.<br>
Proconsul of Taldryan<br>
Alanna is great. No two ways around it. It has been nearly a year since Alanna has been awarded anything for her work in Ektrosis, this is far too long! She is a great envoy; she has helped almost every member through our Dark Jedi Trials. Alanna helps all of our new people with any questions they have, and they have a lot of questions. She always brings problems in our Trials to us and helps us fix them. She is always willing to help anyone. She does a ton of work and is on IRC a lot, albeit I'm asleep at the time. She helped out a ton during the recent feud with Clan Arcona and has done a great job in the GJW thus far. She has been getting the members of the clan a good boost of energy with her emails and getting them to participate, this is a huge help. With out Alanna our summit wouldn't be nearly as good as it is now. I can't think of a better way to award her for all her hard and diligent work then giving her this Amethyst Kukri. Thank you so much Lannie, we appreciate all your hard work.<br>
Templar Chaosrain<br>
Quaestor of Ektrosis<br>
Alanna has taken a position that has been reinvented, re-designed and reinvented again because no practical use was found for it and used the position to do a great deal of good for Ektrosis. That position is Envoy. In the time that Alanna has held her position, she's maintained extremely high levels of dedication and activity. Her main task is to guide members of House Ektrosis from the rank of Initiate up through Guardian. While this sounds like a rather simple task, in reality it requires lots of tedious work. Her duties are mainly emailing members and making sure that any questions they might have are properly answered, they know what is required of them for the next promotion and things of that nature. Alanna is also extremely prompt, sending a new member a welcome email within hours of joining is the norm rather then the exception. Alanna has been working extremely hard for Ektrosis for quite a while now; it's time that she sees a reward for her effort. <br>
-- <br>
Battlemaster Taku "Crix" Matsuki Taldrya<br>
Son of Taldryan<br>
Aedile of House Ektrosis of Taldryan<br>
Magistrate to the Deputy Grand Master
Duga Taldrya Arkarso, 2006-08-11 22:00:00 UTC