Ruby Scepter events for Maxamillian von Oberst

Ruby Scepter events
Event ID
Ruby Scepter
Requested by
Primary reason

For some time now, Oberst has been one of the more instrumental members in making Tarentum the tightly-knit organization that it is. He methods haven't always been the easiest on the Clan members, at times, but Oberst is a harsh leader, and expects a lot out of people. He pushes them to limits that they couldn't reach without the irritation behind them, forcing them to give even that tiny bit more; this can even be seen in his motivation of myself, and my Proconsul, Rekio Corsair, in our time of leadership.

Oberst is a tie to the Clan's past, and he is someone who can help members understand, and comprehend past glories, and revel in their own abilities, to garner their own glories. He's helped several people in their rise in rank, and position. Most notable among them has been Spears, who is a testament to Oberst's ability to mentor others. Another is Welshman, who Oberst and Lenzar took on as Roll Master, to help initiate him into a position of leadership.

Another duo is Rekio and myself; I can honestly say that our abilities as good leaders have derived from him, to a great extent. Oberst has served in a good number of leadership positions, and has allowed us to take from his knowledge, and tactics. Over the past year and a half, since Oberst's return to the Brotherhood, and Tarentum, I can truly say, his presence has strengthened us all, even as our presence has changed him (even if only a bit). He's of tremendous value to the Clan, to the Sith Order, and to me as a friend.

As I near the stage where I will be forced to withdraw from Tarentum, to care for the Sith Order, I know that Tarentum will be led forward to even greater glory, with examples such as he at the head.

-DA Sith Bloodfyre-Tarentae High Warrior of the Sith Grand Chamberlain of Tarentum

, 2004-10-03 22:00:00 UTC