Anteian Cross events for Valkas Tamalar Palpatine

Anteian Cross events
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

While member of CSP and QUA of HAD, Vally tried a lot to get the House active, and even had some results with his work His reports were timely and he kept the House from dying completely. The situation worked against him, in any other situation he'd have been very successful in his efforts . Those efforts have not been awarded and this is hereby fixed.

, 2003-12-28 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Vally Tamalar has long been a member of clan Exar Kun. In this time he has show a constant stream of activity. This includes his recent works and submissions in the IG events to his constant games of JA and JO in various online competitions. More recently, Vally has been promoted to TET of the Eyes of the Throne Phyle. In his position, Vally strives to make his Tyro’s active and maintain a solid level of activity and achievement within house Byss. In light of this, I award Vally the Star of Antei for his high level of work.

, 2004-05-29 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Lord Idris Adenn
Primary reason

Vally has always been a fantastic member. Both in and out of hard participation work he has dedicated himself to better Scholae Palatinae however he can. For a long while he has been looking at bolstering our members. Following the harsh cuts of the AWOL check, he dove back into a strong recruitment drive. He is incredible at getting information about the DB out there and getting fans of Star Wars signed up to the site. Since he started focusing on recruiting new members, I’ve gone from rarely seeing new members join HSP to nearly doubling the size of the house. He has brought in around 25 members to HSP since the middle of January. It isn’t easy work to promote the DB in such a fashion, or talk to people as they explore possibly signing up. Vally continues to find ways to keep a fresh breath of life in HSP and the DB as a whole. As thanks for his fantastic recruitment efforts I award him this Anteian Cross. Congratulations. Xen’Mordin Vismorsus QUA of Scholae Palatinae

Lord Idris Adenn, 2013-02-23 20:19:22 UTC