Grand Cross events for Syn Kaek

Grand Cross events
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Syn Kaek is outstanding. Coming from no where Kaek joined Arcona either just before or early on in the Clan Feud: JUSTICE.

His impact was magnanomous; activity soared (not just from Syn Kaek but the rest of the House too), he also managed to help resolve several of the Obelisk Feud issues and lead the House without offical recognition as a leader.

Kaek was soon appointed Aediel becuase of his apparent skills and while he excelled in the Feud, he alone could not win it for us :P

The Feud has since passed and Kaek has instantly setup a Clan Melee night and many more MP gaming situations. His work as Aedile is exemplary, leading the House in Mage's absence and his reports are both thorough and interesting!

Syn Kaek is a tremendous assett who worked valiantly for the Clan during the recent Feud. With a Great Jedi War approaching, members like Kaek will give Arcona the edge it needs.

I applaud him for all his work so far and hope he will provide us with much more that he has on offer...

DJM Mejas Doto Consul of Clan Arcona

, 2003-10-01 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Since becoming ProConsul, and even prior to that assignment, Kaek has been a constant source of activity and help in Clan Arcona. As Quaestor of HOO, he helped mold the current leader of that house as well as help re-build the house into a competitive force once again.

Since becoming ProConsul, Kaek has been the "face" of Clan leadership. As my RL forces me to become active only through e-mail, Kaek has continued being a prescene on IRC, helping out other memebers and laying down the "law" as it were in the Clan channel.

Also, during an unexpected few days in which I wasn't readily available, Kaek assumed leadership and whipped the other leaders into shape while making sure the Clan continued running. He has also run a successful Run-On that will have implications for Arcona in months to come.

Great job and continue your efforts, Kaek!

~DA Halcyon Rokie Arconae

, 2005-05-22 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Spears Tarentae
Primary reason

For dedication to the Shadow Academy, and doing a remarkable job in helping the SA reach 5,000+ exams graded in One Year.

Spears Tarentae, 2005-11-21 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Duga Taldrya Arkarso
Primary reason

Kaek, what could be said of this guy? Lots of things I know, depending on who you ask. In any case, he came through for Taldryan in the war as I knew he would. Kaek scored placement points in the ACC, which alone is awesome considering he was only one of few Clan members that could do that is spectacular. Besides that he participated in the Run-on event, the JO/JA/JK ladder, six Fiction events, four Graphic events, and one Poetry event. Of those he placed 2nd in one Fiction and got placement points in two others. Kaek helped us lead the Run-on at points as well, and even lost his life, er, sort of. While it’s unknown right now if his “being” will be given a make it to another body or if he will torment Jac’s mind to both of them die, the former person of Kaek did some amazing work and it was all very appreciated.<br> <br> Congrats on your well earned reward in service to Taldryan during the Seventh Great Jedi War. Thanks for the awesome work!<br> <br> For Taldryan,<br> <br> Obelisk Primarch Duga Taldrya Arkarso<br> Consul and Son of Clan Taldryan<br> Planetary Viceroy of Karufr, Regent of the Kr'Tal System

Duga Taldrya Arkarso, 2007-09-01 22:00:00 UTC