Ruby Scepter events for Telaris "Mav" Cantor

Ruby Scepter events
Event ID
Ruby Scepter
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

The Ruby Scepter is awarded to a select pool of Dark Jedi Brotherhood leaders who have demonstrated a consistent and long term ability to serve as a mentor. It is one of the rarest awards because of the simple subjective nature relating to the term "mentor." How exactly do we define a mentor or an individual who serves in a capacity above all of the other mentors in the club? I think we can take a look at the current Deputy Grand Master and provide an example.

Dark Prophet Telaris "Mav" Taldrya Cantor provides advice, guidance, and direction to his friends, our positioned club leadership, and the Dark Council. Mav accomplishes this in a multitude of ways, but none more important than his ability to set the example for what our senior club leaders should act like. Mav is a is a steady-state operator who provides consistency, normalcy, and a calm head in a digital age where those things are sorely lacking. Mav is the calm in the center of many DB storms and his guidance shines through on countless occasions where emotion could ruin the day.

Mav is also the manager of our entire club's leadership. He is tasked with executing my crazy ideas and timelines, managing each and every Dark Council member, and ensuring that the Clans are operating in a manner that benefits the club. He accomplishes this through constant communication, unwavering dedication, and a consistency that is uncommon among our members.

Personally, Mav is also one of the few members in our club that provides guidance and advice to both the JST and Grand Master. Jac and I are not always the easiest individuals to sway when it comes to decision making, but Mav has had an uncanny ability to help both of us see options that are not only better for our positions within the club, but for the club as a whole.

So, back to the original question. What does a consistent and long term mentor deserving of the RS look like? It looks like a guy who advises the entire club leadership, executes the Grand Master's vision, and guides the Dark Council on 20 high level projects simultaneously. It looks like a guy who has the ability to influence the GM/JST/DC/Club Leaders towards making our club a better place. It looks like Mav :p

Grand Master Sarin/Pravus

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2015-09-09 21:03:58 UTC