Grand Cross events for Fet'ai'narun

Grand Cross events
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Nikola Valtiere Erinos
Primary reason

Fet'ai'narun has acted as the more human face of the Arconan summit in the capacity of clan Arbiter, working to mesh the summit and main members into a cohesive unit. She has also managed to mentor two of our members to knighthood, an in-depth and demanding task. On top of this work, she has managed to participate in 17/31 of the Crusade events and win a gold and a silver Novae in the process, no mean feat at all, highlighting her dedication to this Clan, and to this Brotherhood.

For these reasons, I humbly recommend her for an award of a Grand Cross of the Dark Side

Aedile of House Qel-Droma

Nikola Valtiere Erinos, 2013-12-03 14:46:01 UTC
Additional reasons

Clan Arbiter was an experiment of a position that was created to help bridge relations between the upper Summit and the Clan as a whole. Feta stepped into this role and made it her own. While the role has since faded and she now is present only as a "regular" member, Feta still serves as an active and important part of the Arcona family. She has helped mentor two of our members to Dark Jedi Knight, one of which (Atty) who has gone on to be an Aedile and the other (Kanis) who is now serving as a BTL. She is easily approachable, friendly, and can help resolve issues better than anyone else I've ever met.

Since her promotion to Knighthood earlier in the year, Feta quietly sneaks in at 17 / 31 events in the Dark Crusade while also scoring 2 novae of her own. Despite having a stressful wedding to plan for herself, Feta made a dedicated effort to remain a part of Arcona in it's final chapters. It's that level of commitment that makes Feta such a unique part of Clan Arcona.

Keep up the amazing work, Feta, and thanks for the hard work.

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2013-12-03 06:14:43 UTC