Early this year, Duga Arkarso has established himself as a consistent and dominant figure of participation within the Inter-Club Training Event. Since then, he has been in contact with countless other participants from the Brotherhood—not only setting an example of good sportsmanship but also forming many acquaintances with ICTE
participants. Since March, he has become my most reliable administrator during my periodic absences throughout the events. He has also, without fail, taken my place during events which I was unable to attend and went ahead to administer the entire ICTE for that
day. In June, especially, Duga has gone above and beyond my expectations. He has become an equal in the administration of the event, helping me shift the focus from traditional 1v1 ICTE matches to a more dynamic and diverse activity profile, including TTFA and CTF team matches. He has played an integral part as an assistant in not
only assembling these matches but also participating in them. Without Duga, the redefinition and revitalization of the ICTE would not have been possible. In August alone, he has proven that he is more than capable of running the entire ICTE not only without error but with great success - by the number of matches played, advertisement, and compilation/release of results. Beyond all of this spectacular work, though, Duga has been a strong supporter and advisor on many of the day-to-day issues that arise during normal ICTEs. Should I become aware of a development pertaining to the event, I ensure that Duga also knows so that he can bring his own relevant and unique perspective to the situation. Duga Arkarso is an overall excellent assistant, a reliable equal, a fair administrator, and an aspirant replacement for my position. Duga is very deserving of this award.—DA Acxodim "DV" Pyralis
This recommendation was originally for a Sapphire Blade, but I think that an Amethyst Kukri is the truly deserved award. From my point of view, Duga is one of the Dark Brotherhood's all-stars. He is able to do everything and do it well. Of note to me especially has been his work on the Center for Interclub Alliances. as M:DGM, Duga has been in charge of getting our alliance system up and running. Since he took over, he has helped in interclub talks and set up a great website for the CIR. http://cir.darkjedibrotherhood.com .
I am truly impressed by his work. He does a ton for the whole DB, and then on top of it, is still dominant in his clan. Duga is a first-class member.
GM Jac Cotelin
, 2005-09-11 22:00:00 UTC