Steel Cross events for Rear Admiral Arcia Cortel

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae
Primary reason

Over the last eight weeks, Esca has proved himself to be of great value. Since taking the reins of Soulfire, he has been instrumental in making the battleteam into the close and highly active unit it is now. He's been a prime example of leadership: good reports, good IRC presence, good motivational skills, and an excellent activity level. He was a frequent poster in the recently held Clan run-on, participated in over a dozen (mostly Clan-wide) competitions, and won almost 100 CFs. All in all, I think Esca is highly deserving of this award.

Strategos T. Entar, Proconsul of Arcona

Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae, 2006-04-17 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Ylith Atema
Primary reason

Esca has been my saviour in time of great need. In a short while he has become my Aedile and is now helping me getting House Oriens Obscurum back to it's feet after a setback. <br> During the Fueds this Aedile has been nuts of activity, even being more active than myself (:P) he has shown a great dedication to his new home. He has been active in the ACC, Run on, Caption, Gaming, Team gaming, poem and graphics!<br> <br> This, combined with becoming my Aedile and showing great interests in rebuilding the battleteam and the House from there off. Shows that Esca is most deservant of this medal.<br> <br> In Darkness,<br> <br> Draken-Korin Romanae - Quaestor of HOO

Ylith Atema, 2006-05-13 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Ethran has become more than just a regular member, he has become an invaluable cornerstone of Galeres. Not just with his "We can do it" attitude, but also with his natural ability to draw people into doing more and doing better, including himself. <br> <br> He submitted to every competition his Qel-Droma Battleteam Leader put before him, placing in most of them. He has also competed in most, if not all of the Galeres competitions. He has completed numerous graphical side-projects for me, including a possible new Galeres logo, tweaking my report header graphics, helping Etah with a QD logo as well as doing a HOO logo. He has also run the Galeres trivia, completed the Astronomy exam and is currently taking part in the ACC Live! Ladder.<br> <br> Ethran has helped me with my KCE reports, getting information that I needed without complaint, going through the spreadsheets and double checking for me. Extremely mind-numbing work, but he did it without complaint. He has had valuable input on the 'new member' letter and the Master and Student program. He is one of those members that always have ideas, thoughts and input on whatever you are planning. He is not shy to say what he is thinking and even manages to get his point across without offending too many people (a very rare trait in an Arconan).<br> <br> Shio, thank you for everything you do. For the time you spend to give me new ideas, to explain to me why you don't like some things and not just sitting back and saying “I don’t like this…fix it’. Thank you for taking the time to tell what you do like, that’s a rare thing around here. Most importantly, for supporting me and for already supporting other members of Arcona, not just your House. I really appreciate you.<br> <br> ~Selene d’Tana<br> Quaestor, House Galeres<br> <br> <><>[-]<><><br> <br> Esca has been an amazing asset to both myself and the battleteam. He has been active in all battleteam contests (5 by my count) during my short tenure here and active on both house and clan levels as well. He has always been willing to help in whatever way necessary and has never stepped on my authority, content to stay in the background and help me learn how to guide the rest of the team. Esca has helped my own career development both as a Dark Jedi and as a leader within the brotherhood; his sage advice will probably stay with me for the remainder of my time in the brotherhood and perhaps beyond.<br> <br> ~ Jedi Hunter Etah<br> Krath Tetrarch of the Qel-Droma phyle

, 2007-01-09 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Cethgus Tiberius Entar
Primary reason

I am honoured to be recommending Esca for this Steel Cross, his hard work and effort during the Great Jedi War see him lead his team to help Arcona secure first place overall. He has been leading from the helm of Nighthawk since taking command, never faltering and never falling always striving harder each time a challenge comes his way.

Since his last reward he has managed to participate in a total of thirteen competitions, most of these were seen during the Great Jedi War, giving everything he had in the events and making sure that he dabbled in every event, regardless of if it worked to his strength he continued to make sure that gave one-hundred percent. He constantly takes the approach of lead by example showing everyone that no matter how busy you are, everyone has the opportunity to get events in and by doing so he has managed to bring Night Hawk out in force showing their true strength over the Great Jedi War.

He has managed to rack up a very impressive list of medals since his last reward, showing his strength in gaming as always and earning himself three-hundred clusters of fire as well as two pendants of bloods. As well as this for all of his entries into competitions he earned himself one Crescent with Amethyst Star and one Crescent with Emerald Star. As well as this he managed to bring a member into the brotherhood earning himself a scroll of indoctrination for doing so.

Though where Esca has recently strived is in his command of the team, he continues to keep them updated with Battleteam Leader Reports. Informing them of everything that is taking place inside of the clan and outside, allowing them to see competitions and anything else of importance. Always looking at ways to get members involved he continued to expand his teams backstory allowing every member to get involved and updating the wiki constantly to help them see their own ideas developing, getting people interested and of course involved in the team.

Congratulations on this Steel Cross Esca, all your hard work and devotion to Clan Arcona has been appreciated greatly. I look forward to seeing you continue working inside of Clan Arcona and keep expanding Nighthawk.

Quaestor of House Galeres

Cethgus Tiberius Entar, 2015-02-20 22:37:42 UTC
Additional reasons

Esca is one of the most dedicated leaders in Arcona. He is unfailingly reliable, inexhaustible, and utterly selfless. Nighthawk was a great team when he took over as Battleteam Leader, and they continue to grow and develop under his careful leadership. He was a beacon of strength during the Great Jedi War, exuding the sort of swagger that the entire Clan could draw upon.

We take pride in emphasizing the team aspect of our Clan’s war performance, but no team would be complete without its captains, and Esca is certainly one of them. He is the prototypical battleteam leader, and when new members approach me about gaining leadership positions and getting more involved in the Clan, I always point them towards Esca’s positive example.

Thanks for all that you do for us, man -- keep up the great work!

Proconsul of Clan Arcona

Legorii Arconae, 2015-02-20 22:37:14 UTC

Esca is a veteran in every sense of the word. He’s an experienced leader, a wise man, and a capable person - though he may deny all of those. I would trust no one else with a team in this Brotherhood like I would him. If he sees something that needs doing, he does it. It’s just that simple. And any task you give him, no matter how unpleasant, gets done at the end of the day. He’s been an excellent and steadfast leader of Nighthawk, performed fantastically in the War, and lead his team through all the events. Most of all, though —

You know what, I’ll take a page out of his book this time, straight to the point. Esca does a great job and I could go on about all the ways how. Point is, he’s earned this. He’s earned a lot. Congrats, Mike.

Aedile of House Galeres

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2015-02-20 22:37:36 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Ghost Edgar Drachen
Primary reason

Arcia has proven to be a solid leader and a constant source of inspiration and motivation not only for the House but for the Clan as a whole. He remains a constant voice in the clan telegram channels and is always around for advice, motivation and just general insanity. Since his last recognition, Arcia has co-organized 7 DJB wide Herald comps in his former capacity of P:Herald and he also participated in 26 competitions in his own right. This does include 4 events from the most recent Clan Co-op event Desperate Measures. He was an integral part of our Battle Plan team helping us win the 2nd place in the event. Arcia has been a good friend, a strong leader and a wealth of inspiration and knowledge that is always there to help the House grow and become a dominant force in the DJB. Therefore it's for these reasons I'm happy to award Arcia Cortel his 5th Steel Cross of her career, Congratulations!

Edgar Drachen, QUA of House Hoth

Ghost Edgar Drachen, 2017-06-22 22:54:25 UTC
Additional reasons

Esca (Arcia) has been an invaluable right hand during his time as Praetor. I have had the privilege to award him his first Sacramental weapon, however, his contributions didn't end there. Since his last award, he has done 7 Warbanners, 2 custom weapons, 3 selector weapons for a total of 40 images, and 1 selector robe for a total of 8 images. Compiled, he has done 57 additional images for the Club. He has also organized and co-organized 7 competitions in the form of the Shroud War tournament, the first successful graphics tournament of its kind in the DB. It included 31 unique participants (a participation percentage of 62%) and 68 unique submissions. He has also added three news posts to the front page in the effort to make my work easier. All in all his contributions never really stopped at sheer numbers. While they are undoubtedly a great statistic for his work, they do not show the many discussions we've had on how to run the DB graphics community, where to focus our efforts when developing new content, how to organize the future Society (for which, until now, he has been a large contributor). I must, again, express my thanks to Esca for his service and the many times he has helped me in my work. Thank you and congratulations.

  • Vyr (Morgan)
  • Herald of the Brotherhood

Governor Tierra Suha'sen, 2017-06-22 22:54:15 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Master Dracaryis
Primary reason

During the testing period for Hearthstone, Esca offered up his services to help test the game with other members, co-draft the ruleset, and teach other members how to not only play, but get the most enjoyment out of the game. One of the greatest parts of serving as Fist is the chance to interact with members like Esca, who are driven to help bring new things into the club. I didn't reach out to Esca to help, he simply offered. He played multiple matches with members of the club (a great deal more than he submitted to the competition), he helped determine match times, and he came with a solid recommendation on how best to manage the difference between Casual and Wild decks.

In the end, without his help, Hearthstone might have been left on the cutting room floor. This award is only a small token of appreciation for his efforts in taking the time to assist my staff and me with implementing a free game that filled the deep gap left by the loss of Pazaak.

Thanks, Esca.

Master Dracaryis, 2018-01-23 03:46:55 UTC