Grand Cross events for Telona Murrage

Grand Cross events
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Telona has been s consisten contributor in all Krath events and was a driving force for the Clan in Phases 1 and 2 of the Great Jedi War. She has led her House with honor and disctinction for a lengthy period of time and has been a great source of wisdom for me in my capacity of ProConsul. She is always willing to offer her advice and is always there for her House or fellow Clan members.

, 2003-03-27 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

There isn't much I can say to the dear Seraphi Ater other than 'Thank You.' When clan participation in the Krath Rite of Supremacy was poor, Telona rose to the occasion and lead the clan by example. The Proconsul participated in 7 events when only a mere fraction of the clan bother to participate at all. Not only though her participation in the ACC Ladder, Chapter 1 Crossword, Chapter 1 Fiction, ACC Co-Op, Chapter 2 Poem, Webhunt, and Run-On, but also in helping to organize Tarentum's crossword efforts, Telona made her efforts felt in Clan Tarentum.

Note from the P:MAA - While participation in the KRoS is not enough to qualify Telona for a Grand Cross, her continuing excellent work for the Clan and my personal impressions have led me to approve this award. WELL DESERVED!

, 2005-02-28 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

As former Krath High Priestess, it seemed fitting (even during her tenure) that DA Telona Murrage be on the staff of the ACC. Almost every KHP, since the inception of the KCC/ACC, has had some role in the Centre and it’s operations. As a Trainer, Telona was responsible for countless Initiate qualifications and training sessions. Her direct style of commenting and her ability to work with what she is given make her an asset to the ACC in more ways than just “getting them through qual”. She is looked up to by the younglings of her order, and treats her position as a true ‘teacher’ of the platform. For 12 months Telona has played her role well. She might not be the one running hundreds of training battles at once or hundreds of qualifications, but she is definitely the one who consistently strives to ensure that no Initiate is left behind. While others might ‘give up’ here and there, Telona seems driven to the ‘lost causes’ most of the time. Apart from her ‘regular’ duties as a Trainer, Telona saw fit to wrangle her obligations as the KHP into the Centre with the creation of the KHP’s Armed Hostilities Hall. This hall was dedicated to monthly competitions open to the entirety of the Brotherhood and served to raise our activity level, and even our presence, amongst newer combatants. Beyond that, she is the key player in the re-creation of the ACC Initiate’s Course for the Shadow Academy, spearheading its updates and inclusion of new information. All in all, Telona is a rounded staff member, seeing the ACC as more than a ‘writing’ platform, but a tool for activity and fun for the whole of the Dark Brotherhood. I am honored to recommend her for a Grand Cross of the Dark Side which symbolizes her longevity of service, her encouragement of membership interaction and her dedication to this Brotherhood-wide platform. Thanks for all your hard work! ~DA Dalthid, Combat Master.

Dalthid, 2006-02-13 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Lord Halcyon
Primary reason

While Telona is no longer on the staff, her hard work and efforts must be awarded while he was with us. Since last she was awarded for the ACC Telona had managed to open, begin and completely nearly fifty individual training and qualification matches. Each match involves numerous posts, with training matches themselves taking up even more time as each post must be carefully commented on in detail. The work alone she did as a trainer is tremendous, but she was also a large part in other areas of the ACC.

She worked diligently on a plot for a co-op competition, while heavily re-writing the ACC Initiates course to bring it in line with many of the changes that had occurred since the course was first introduced. Her efforts were selfless, and impacted on others in the DB. Her efforts will be sorely missed, and we thank her for everything she did for us during her time here.

Lord Halcyon, 2007-10-18 09:11:40 UTC