Amethyst Kukri events for Adept Mune Cinteroph

Amethyst Kukri events
Event ID
Amethyst Kukri
Requested by
Howlader Taldrya
Primary reason

Mune (aka Moon Moon) continues to do fantastic work as Praetor to the Master at Arms. Since his last recognition in March 2021, Mune has spearheaded the great clean up of the mess that is a decade's plus worth of Master at Arms related wiki articles. From policy documents, to stuff on medals, to stale-dated articles on how to appropriately award your members, Mune has scoured the wiki in order to combine, delete, and update them where appropriate. For this work, I am very much appreciative - and I am thankful he's going to keep doing it.

Mune's day-to-day work in the MAA office has continued at pace - he continues to process the requests as they come into the database, and into our group email account (say, when someone needs a competition edited). In that, he's processed hundreds of competition, medal, and promotion requests, and for every higher level merit, equite or higher promotion, or sacramental award - he's been involved in discussing the merits (ha!) of the recommendation.

For his continued excellent service, I award him an Amethyst Kukri. Congratulations Mune, and thank you.

Howlader Taldrya, 2021-12-29 22:28:53 UTC
Additional reasons

Over the past 9 months since his last recognition, Mune has been one of the most active members in the club while serving as part of the MAA staff and as a regular member and contributor. They have participated in a total of 90 competitions during this time span, while earning a Seal of Loyalty, completing 1 Shadow Academy Degree, 64 Clusters of Ice, 20 Clusters of Graphite, and a Cluster of Fire for good measure. During the Rite of Supremacy: Escalation, Mune was able to earn 9 Seals of Enmity as well as a Gold Nova for their work on the winning Graphic Comic entry.

They did all of this while making a major move in leaving behind a Clan Title and transferring to a brand new place to effectively start from scratch with a new team. I was fortunate enough to have Mune join my Battleteam, and since then have had the privilege of working with them on various projects that have helped bolster the worldbuilding aspects of the team while fostering a welcoming and inclusive energy that we strive for.

Mune leads by example, not needing a title or formal position to do things for others and make sure everyone is having fun. A great example of this was the floor plans for the Voidbreaker II, which serves as our Battleteams fictional “base”. Mune did a lot of research and work to make to-scale models and floor plans and then took it a step further by getting members to pick rooms and engage with the worldbuilding. This has made our team more active and engaged with our Wiki and has led to better team synergy when working on competitions or storytelling as a group. They have also done a lot work in adding content, descriptions, and formatting to our team Wiki, further enhancing the quality of our shared product.

Mune continues to use their unwavering optimism to be a welcome and earnest presence among our Clan and Battleteam. They are always willing to step up or volunteer if it means helping our community or world building efforts. Combined with their high level of activity and engagement, it is a privilege to award Mune this Sacramental award.

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2021-12-29 22:28:44 UTC
Event ID
Amethyst Kukri
Non-site XP
5299 XP
Requested by
Qyreia Arronen
Primary reason

Since their last award just shy of the turn of the year from '21 to '22, giving them a year and some change, Mune has been a busy bee. 92 competitions participated (against 108 if one counts containers), averaging about 6 per month, and organizing 1 along the way. Of these, Mune earned 23 placements evidenced by their Silver Nova and variety of collected Crescents for a solid 25% placement rate. Now, Mune is a fairly well-rounded participant in the Brotherhood: 6 Clusters of Fire, 20 of Earth, and 8 of Graphite show they are ready to tackle just about anything if the conditions are right. But where Mune really shines is fiction. In those fifteen-odd months, Mune has slammed out 48,992 words of fiction to net them a nice 106 Clusters of Ice. This comes as no surprise given their critical role in standing up the Envoy Corps RP society, which Marick will no doubt want to touch on in more detail. For posterity purposes though, over thirty two thousand of those words of fiction were in RPs alone.

Now Mune has spent the last four months as an Exarch Staffer, and since that award mentioned way up top, also worked as Praetor to the MAA for the full duration. As a former MAA staffer, I can guarantee that, while the work load waxes and wanes, they are never truly done. So from here I will let others say their piece. But to Mune: thank you for doing what you do and for putting yourself out there for Arcona. We appreciate it, and it does not go unnoticed.

Qyreia Arronen
Consul, Clan Arcona

Qyreia Arronen, 2023-03-12 19:17:22 UTC
Additional reasons

Mune has been an exemplarity member of the Exarch Team over the past four months, and a key contributor to our speed and success with launching a brand new Society from the ground up. When doing a project like this, there are many small yet crucial details that need to be accounted for. Mune was that person for us as they would proof read something, spot it was off, and then make suggestions on how it could read better for the future members that would be needing to understand the content. They were a big part in the creative discussions around the Envoy Corps' theme, and they also helped dig into the weeds of the technical workings of the trophy progression system. Back and forth dialogues with the rest of the staff in our discord channel helped make sure ideas were tackled from multiple viewpoints, and never locked in to just one person's singular ideas.

Mune has also lead the charge in hosting sponsored Exarch RPs, working with the community and testing out new rulesets and ideas to create fun, immersive experiences for our members. Even when not leading an RP, they are always active and engaged in the RPs that they take part in, which beyond the word-counts means so much for the spirit and energy of being excited about the new potential of Roleplaying activities in the Brotherhood.

Mune has also, of course, helped with the backend admin that we're responsible for, reviewing finished RPs and getting them submitted for Voice review in a timely manner.

Mune sets the bar for what I hope members of our Roleplaying community can look to model themselves after. Thank you for all your hard work, Mune, and for being a rock for me when I have crazy ideas and need someone mostly sane to bounce them off of. Look forward to more work in the future and everything that comes next!


Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2023-03-12 19:12:53 UTC