Grand Cross events for Phoenix d'Tana Palpatine

Grand Cross events
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Braecen Kaeth
Primary reason

Medal Request: Grand Cross<br> Phoenix Olkyssagh Palpatine (3612)<br> <br> It is my honor to recommend Sith Battlelord Phoenix Olkyssagh Palpatine for the high honor of a Grand Cross of the Dark Side. It is an award reserved for those whom have shown exceptional ability in areas meant to encourage competition, interaction and mentorship within one's Clan. Something he has fulfilled in earnest in a short period of time with tremendous zeal.<br> <br> The personal activity of Phoenix goes largely unseen, skewed by the lack of high profile crescents or countless Cluster of Fire. However, since I am continually in contact with him and audit his tasks regularly... I can attest for those noble acts of self-sacrifice.<br> <br> Before his prominent return to Proconsul, Phoebird had to establish his demeanor and desire for such a position beyond name recognition. The SBL crashed back into the Clan scene showing his concern as his fellow Palpatines elicited his services to help bolster the Clan's leadership pool. Countless times he participated in discussions, trivia, competitions, run-ons (including the House Caliburnus Epic), e-mail threads and Conclaves (those meetings that determine the shape of things to come in CSP). <br> <br> His efforts were not unnoticed and after a solid application he found himself in the seat of Proconsul... ready for duty. Within 72 hours he completed a spread sheet of the Clan that was appropriately sorted: rank, name, pin, e-mail. He used this list to audit and update the Clan, and both Houses, mailing list. He deleted an estimated 50 individuals from each list... while adding countless APPs, NOVs, ACOs and PRTs to the list whom had (for one reason or another) fallen through the cracks. In conjunction, he checked the bouncing e-mails for inactivity and jettisoned the dead weight from the Clan... This act alone increased communication and activity amongst the lower ranks. Thus, it has become a regular practice for the Right-Hand of CSP to audit the list and ensure their accuracy. Additionally, Phoenix worked with myself and Rasilvenaira to create a immediate Halloween Bonanza that included 3 events, 3 rounds of Trivia and the sharing of scary stories within #scholae. Literally, he did all of this in days after his appointment. <br> <br> But we are an audacious pair and our goals were simple: to become the best. And within weeks of our ascension to Consul and Proconsul we set forth to create a House versus House Feud to drive activity, discussion and communication. Phoenix oft underplays his role in this process, but without his insight, knowledge of the Clan and ingenuity the storyline and competitions would not have been formed in such a prompt time period. The result was a 20+ page fiction with 13 diverse competitions with a possible chance at 60 crescents to be awarded from the entire event! And it was completed in a time period of three weeks! Additionally, he took it upon himself during the creation phase to gear members up by highlighting Tues/Thurs Gaming Nights, ICTE and SIT! This alone caused a mild spike in our ICTE performance and brought the Clan a small measure of joy!<br> <br> In short, for every advance in the Clan... Phoenix has been a part of... he may not labor in the drafting of the final product, but his input and ideas are often the sparks of what appears to be my ingenuity. So it is my belief that he has gone above and beyond the efforts of a normal Proconsul... in an insanely short period of time... to merit his first Grand Cross.<br> <br> Braecen Kunar<br> Consul of Scholae Palatinae

Braecen Kaeth, 2006-11-30 23:00:00 UTC