Sapphire Blade events for Master Windos

Sapphire Blade events
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Master Zsarion Bloodfyre
Primary reason

Since his last major point of recognition (promotion), Windos has given a great deal of dedication to mentoring and assisting the newest members of Gladius.<br> <br> During the last (nearly) seven months, Windos has served as the leader of The Praxeum of Gladius. The objectives of this team were to initiate and train new members, to help them to learn how to be active and successful in the Brotherhood, and provide them a place to meet new friends. Windos provided this and more. He provided a mentor and friend; he provided an active example, competing in events as well as encouraging others to do so; he has helped incite motivation into younger members, and has even passed on the torch (so to speak) for this effort to Kazarelth, who has succeeded him as leader of The Praxeum.<br> <br> Windos continues his dedication to assisting and enhancing Gladius by serving as Mune's Aedile. Windos and Mune have had their bumps in the past, inspired by two stubborn, motivated men who want nothing more than to see others given, and able to earn, what they have been able to earn and be a part of, as well.<br> <br> Windos is excellent at keeping in communication with his members, so they will have access not only to his experience, but also to his words of motivation. He has maintained his reports from his time as leader of The Praxeum nicely, and continues this practice now as Aedile, as well. His example has even been passed onto Kazarelth in this respect, too, who is working on keeping his reports timely and informative, as well.<br> <br> In the past seven or more months, Windos has also provided approximately 38 competitions for both the members of The Praxeum, as well as Gladius as a whole. Not only does he compete, he offers activities for members to have fun with, and learn things from, as well.<br> <br> I have toyed with the idea of having Windos promoted for his actions; in my opinion, he has more than earned his promotion. But at the same time, I must say that, in some cases, promotions do not adequately recognize certain actions as well as other rewards. Windos is an active member and leader, but his actions speak loudly that his is a mentor, and one willing to help everyone in Tarentum, Gladius specifically, learn what they need to advance, and to have fun within this Club.<br> <br> Windos, I appreciate your drive and dedication, and look forward to your continued efforts in Gladius as Aedile. Congratulations, my friend.<br> <br> -DJM Sith Bloodfyre-Tarentae<br> Consul, Clan Tarentum

Master Zsarion Bloodfyre, 2007-06-28 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Primary reason

Solari has done the near impossible by excelling in one of the most dormant and difficult positions within the Dark Brotherhood. Year after year the position of Headmaster has operated in an endless cycle of website upgrades, course openings, and course closures. Solari has changed this pattern by throwing his skill and effort in to developing a new way to conduct Shadow Academy courses and even newer ways to conduct competitions related to said courses. In a short amount of time, Solari has implemented significant change with an eye on the future and even greater changes. It is my honor to recommend this great Dark Council member this outstanding award! -GM Pravus, Voice

This is one of those times, rare they may be, where I get to go, "See? I was right!" I knew when I read Solari's application for Head Master that he was the guy to help us take the next step. From his first day to today, he has busted tail and produced on every front his office faces. Rarely does a day go by without getting an update from him on something they are hatching. His enthusiasm for the work helps to motivate me each time I see something from him in my inbox.

Thanks for everything you do, "Your Excellency."

-Raken, Shadow Hand

Solari is a renaissance man, working in the realms of fiction, coding, and rp, he understands all of the various aspects of the club, albeit some more intimately than others. Having him on the Council has been a boon, a dynamic force that helps achieve the common goal of improving the Brotherhood. He has gotten in deep witht he plannign and setup of the Crusade, casting aside the traditional 'that's not in my job description' taht many have had as Headmaster. His work in his brief tenure has been outstanding, and I look forward to seeing what he can dow ith more time. Please accept this as a token of our appreciation.

-Muz Ashen, Dark Lord of the Sith

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2013-02-20 14:07:36 UTC
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Non-site XP
0 XP
Requested by
Mandalorian Wulfram Armis
Primary reason

Windos has been a portent of Odan-Urr's activity in recent months, continually blazing their way through competitions. A true believer of March Madness, Windos took part in over 100 Competitions this March alone. Since their last recognition, Windos took part in 150 Competitions, 123 excluding containers, earning 1 Crescent with a Diamond Star, 2Crescents with Ruby Stars, 6 Crescents with Amethyst Stars, 7 Crescents with Sapphire Stars, 4 Crescents with Emerald Stars, and 15 Clusters of Graphite. Not one to brag about their achievements, when their efforts and achievements are pointed out he's always returned with a joking demeanor and pushed for others to just "Do the things", because they never know what they could achieve in doing so.

I'm glad to award you with this Sapphire Blade for your contributions to Odan-Urr and our enduring spirit, Windos.

Ever Onward!

Mandalorian Wulfram Armis, 2024-04-14 00:58:11 UTC