Anteian Cross events for Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu

Anteian Cross events
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Muz’s activity, and lots of submissions during the Independence Games was fantastic, not to mention his commitment and imagination he puts into running his own competitions for his phyle, and as a matter of fact - whole Marka Ragnos.

Recently Muz has become a Tetrarch for all the work he was doing as a Tyro, and as strong as we believed he will do a great work as a Phyle leader, we are as much sure that for all he’s done so far, Muz should be rewarded, with this Star of Antei.

KE Tissaya Luna Argat PCON of Naga Sadow

SO Malik Sadow CON of Naga Sadow

, 2004-05-23 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

On behalf of Shadow ~ Thrust! Second place in the Sunday Tournament May 29

, 2005-06-04 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Trevarus Irad Caerick
Primary reason

As promised for the design of the Oracle's warbanner. Muz provided an excellent work demonstrative of the nature of the Oracle.

Trevarus Irad Caerick, 2005-10-10 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Kat Pridemore
Primary reason

For tirelessly working with the clan Naga Sadow, in creating competitions, promoting activity, in assisting with the Consul in many different tasks, Muz Ashen is hereby reccomended for a Star of Antei.

His never ending dedication to the clan, and his efforts on behalf of the entire DB are to be commended. Muz Ashen not only works toward personal goals, but to make the rest of the club enjoyable for all. His saber guide, and hand to hand guides, competition submissions, and ACC matches are all of exemplary quality, showing his need for perfection in every task.

I submit this request on behalf of all the members of the Sadow Conclave on this fourth day of January, 2006.

Kat Pridemore, 2006-01-04 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Acxodim Pyralis
Primary reason

An incentive is being given for those Dark Summit members who submit a well-written Internal Report ahead of schedule. Herald Muz submitted his IR two and a half weeks ahead of the April 9, 2006 deadline. Nice work.

Acxodim Pyralis, 2006-03-21 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

On behalf of the Rollmaster:<br> <br> Muz has been one of Naga Sadow's greatest Masters. Since before I joined this clan, he has constantly worked with each student, and he has an impressive track record. The current PCON of Naga Sadow was one of Muz's students, as well as DJK Ashia Kagan, one of CNS' more active members. Muz works with each of his students in a way that frankly amazes me, and hes one of the most active masters, so far as reporting in when requested, and keeping myself and the clan aware of what him and his students are upto, within the realm of the Master Student Program.<br> <br> Even having stepped upto the Dark Council as Herald, Muz continues to serve Naga Sadow as a Master, and it is my hope that he will continue to do so well into the future. Thanks Muz!<br> <br> ~SW Derev Niroth, RM of Naga Sadow

Manesh, 2006-08-11 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Zanet Xox
Primary reason

For grading Hand-to-Hand Combat over the past ten months. Muz also wrote and edited H2H Combat as well as Advanced Lightsaber Studies, an upcoming course

Zanet Xox, 2009-01-11 20:44:37 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Orv Dessrx
Primary reason

I'm recommending this award due to the effort put forth under short notice to make the Prestige System a reality. Without the spreadsheet manipulation, number crunching, and experienced input, the system would not have been launched so soon.

Orv Dessrx, 2010-12-05 13:55:30 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar
Primary reason

What do you give the guy who has everything? Can't give him a bloody promotion or a sacramental because he has them all already. It's just very annoying. Despite “retiring” from the role of Grand Master, Muz has not disappeared from activity. He has participated in fourteen competitions, placing in six of them and has garnered fourteen Clusters of Ice and forty four Clusters of Earth. As well as this, Muz has written over seven thousand words of fiction, not including Run Ons, where he has written an additional two thousands words. This is not all, Muz has also created several avatars for members of Naga Sadow, which have been well received. Muz has also encouraged several of our older members to participate in events, this is invaluable to me. I can't give Muz another promotion, but I can recognise his contribution to his House and Clan. Congratulations on your Anteian Cross.

Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos

Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar, 2015-09-19 20:07:45 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Tasha'Vel Versea
Primary reason

Whilst I was Aedile, Muz approached the summit and Consul to reopen his old team, Night Hawks. Since then,he has been a driving force of activity within the House and Clan; bringing elders out of their semi retirement and enforcing a full participation mentality on his team. In the competitions he has run, he has achieved full participation from his team.

Since I ascended to Questor Muz has kept this strong start going. Driving driving his team and himself to partake in the Clan wide event; Operation Firestorm. An event in which he placed several times and came second overall. He participated in nine out of thirteen event competitions and placed in seven of them.

Recently, he has stepped up again to assist me, whilst my Aedile was in hospital, in writing House fiction to further our House in the aftermath of the Clan event. On top of that he has earned himself a new Savant, Lore and History, by taking several of the prerequisite exams.

He has been one the House's most active participant and during the firestorm run on event, he alone is responsible for at least 1,972 words written.

I have come to find that whenever I need something done, Muz is always there to lend a helping hand. He is an excellent example to everyone and shows me even, how a real leader steps up and helps his Clan and House.

I am honored and very glad to award, Muz Ashen an Anteian Cross for everything he has done in supporting his house and Clan. Congratulations on a well-deserved Anteian Cross, Muz!

Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos

Tasha'Vel Versea, 2016-04-12 19:26:30 UTC
Additional reasons

I'm new to Clan Naga Sadow but I've always admired Muz’s ability to get things done. We run on the mind set for leadership and I'm pretty sure I picked the mindset up from one of our G+ chats over the years.

Since I arrived in Naga Sadow working under Muz as part of his Battleteam then alongside him as Aedile has truly been a pleasure. He has pushed for full participation from his team and nothing less. Placing seven out of nine competitons in our latest Clan event.

He is a bastion of activity and a truly nice person who's drive and personality are infectious. I am proud to recommend him for a Anteian Cross for his hard work in restarting Night Hawks, assiting the House Summit in its tasks and being able to get the elders up and active again in the Battleteam, House and Clan.

Aedile of Marka Ragnos

Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow, 2016-04-12 19:23:28 UTC

Many Dark Councilors retire into obscurity. They serve the Brotherhood, they step down, they quietly fade into shadows.

Not Muz. Muz has returned to Naga Sadow, and continued to set an example for the other members of the Clan of what a veteran member and Son of Sadow should be. After solid months of activity, he submitted a strategy to reopen the once iconic Battleteam of the Night Hawks and restored it to it's former glory. This is exemplified in that, for the first competition of it's return, the team saw 100% participation. In addition, he has managed to get members who have long been quiet back into the game and having fun, where others have failed. He has also overhauled the team wiki page, as can be seen here and here, bringing it into the modern era and significantly updating it's lore. Finally, Muz has published three exemplary reports in the three months since the team has been re-opened.

In activity, Muz has set a strong example for his team and the Clan. He has participated in 12 competitions since his last recognition, including nine of the 13 competitions of the recent CNS event, Operation: Firestorm. These included writing 4,533 words of fiction for the various competitions, including nearly 2000 in the main runon alone. This helped push the story and keep it moving, in addition to helping it wrap up effectively. In the joint-runon, he was partnered up with DarkHawk and together they published an excellent story that led to first place in that competition.

This is the kind of leader that one wants to have for a Battleteam that is meant for glory and to be an example to others. Muz leads from the front lines, he is able to work with any member of the clan - whether in the team or not - and set the bar in event participation.

Furthermore, Muz continues to serve as a valuable advisor to myself and Summit. We don't always go with his advice, but he is always there when we ask and his council has been a great asset to our leadership team.

For the above reasons, I'd like to add my recommendation for this award.

Thanks for sticking around, Muz. Even when I write your character horribly, horribly wrong. :p

Consul of Naga Sadow

Epis Locke Sonjie, 2016-04-12 19:24:19 UTC

Muz has been a boon to Marka Ragnos since taking over the reins of his old Battleteam, The Night Hawks. Under his leadership, he has rejuvenated old and new members. I can rely on Muz to always complete his tasks and objectives with the minimum of fuss. Muz also blew away a lot of the competition in Operation: Firestorm, the recent CNS clan event. Muz came second with 305 points, despite not gaming, an impressive feat.

For his work as BTL, his performance in Operation: Firestorm and his continuing work to promote the Clan, his House and the Brotherhood to the members, I'd like to award Muz with an Anteian Cross.


Proconsul of Clan Naga Sadow

Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar, 2016-04-12 19:26:02 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Tasha'Vel Versea
Primary reason

Muz Ashen has been a tremendous impact and help to House Marka Ragnos. He has served as BTL of NightHawks for three months, during which time he has helped organizeda couple competitions for his team, drew out and challenged several of our older members into action, and has worked selflessly to promote and encourage activity within the House. Macron is one elder member that I have seen participate in activity due to his challenges. In his Battleteam, within the first month of being BTL, there was a strong level of participation with all of his members on one of the competitions he had organized himself.

He has also encouraged several members to compete within our recent Feud. Some of these members were Darkhawk, Macron and Xanos. Overall, Muz himself placed second, earning a Silver Nova. He also placed first in the Feud RO, and third place in the Gone in Sixty Seconds for Shattered Ties Feud competitions.He has written 3500 words and has also participated in 16 of 17 competitions available. So far in all other competitions he's participated in 19 total since his last merit award.

I have also seen him work with some of our newer members with writing fiction. For members that wanted to write his character for a fiction, such as Darkhawk, he provided a document that he wrote himself on how someone could accurately portray his character. He has also spent some time with Darkhawk to help mentor him in writing better fiction for developing his character further.

He is always willing to lend a helping hand to anyone. Because of his example of how to lead, I have been able to better understand how to work together as a team in House Marka Ragnos.

For his selfless service to Clan Naga Sadow and House Marka Ragnos I would like to present an Anteian Cross to Muz Ashen. Congratulations on this well deserved medal!

Tasha'Vel Versea, 2016-08-19 04:38:32 UTC
Additional reasons

There is nothing left that I can say about Muz's recent achievements that others have not already said. His second place placement in the Feud, his tireless effort as a BTL and summit member to the general fact he is always around doing the best he can for the House, Clan and it's members.

Everyone knows Muz, even if they weren't here for his leadership stint as GM they know his name. He dosesn't play on it. Sure he has fun with his GM powers but who wouldn't?

He is a kind, caring individual who truly gives a damn about his team, his house, and his clan. He achieved 99% in the Feud. Only missing out on one competition because of running out of time. His work in the Run On to catch up after starting late was outstanding, But there is more.

Since I became Aedile he has been there for me as a mentor, a friend, and a brother. We share the same ideals about what it means to be a leader and what a leader should strive for. Excellence in everything.

I am glad to say I approached the upper summit and my QUA, Tasha, to get this award put through. I am glad because regardless of his name and his status he still does exactly what is expected of a member and much more.

Thank you for everything Muz and well done on your Anteian Cross, my friend!

Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow, 2016-08-15 11:31:52 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar
Primary reason

Since his last reward, Muz has served 2 months as Quaestor of Marka Ragnos, where he mentored the current Quaestor, Kojiro. In addition, he also mentored the Battleteam Leader at the time, DarkHawk. His last two months as Quaestor saw Marka Ragnos regain some of its fire and drive and allowed Kojiro to continue to lead them well. His equipping of Kojiro was well done, as Koji has become calmer, wiser and more realistic in what can and can't be done.

Muz also acted and continues to act as a mentor to me. For someone who has spent so much time in leadership within the club, Muz has seen it all and he's dealt with it all. He is there to call me out if I mess up, he's there to congratulate me on a job well done and mention where it went right.

I can rely on Muz to act as a member of the Clan, who truly cares about his home within this club. For a long time, I used to think title holders were old, crotchety and hidebound to the past. While Muz is all three, he's also keen and eager to develop CNS and look to the future. He is a fully active member of the Clan in communication channels and goes above and beyond to encourage members to give a damn.

Add to this, his display in the GJW, where 19 competitions done saw him earn 4th place. Muz earned over 600 points out of the 2200 points CNS received. We would not have come in fourth place without him. Yet, despite that amazing display, Muz believed that he could have done more, something extra to have helped us earn 3rd place.

Muz truly cares about his Clan and I've come to realise just how much he does care. It's kind of scary really. But, having been within Naga Sadow for almost 3 years, I've come to see it as my home, just as Muz does.

Finally, Muz has served 7 months in the Star Chamber, acting as an advisor to the current Grand Master.

For his mentoring, leadership and display within the Great Jedi War, I'd like to award Muz with this Anteian Cross.

Thank you, Muz for helping me become a better leader.

Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar, 2018-01-28 22:58:10 UTC
Additional reasons

Grand Master Ashen participated in the recent DB discussions to restructure the club's existing Clans. His insight, opinion, and work reviewing club statistics were invaluable in support of our decision making process. Muz's efforts over a period of several weeks were a significant addition to helping me make the best decision for our club. Thanks for all your hard work Muz!

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2018-01-21 16:44:53 UTC

Now, I cannot attest to the work that Muz has done for the Star Chamber, nor can I give the greatest account of his work as Quaestor for that matter. I can say that I have seen a true servant's heart in our former Grand Master.

Muz will be very matter of fact. Muz will tell you when something is not working. He has come to me to point out how something could be done better. He will not pull your leg or be anything other than honest.

Now, maybe I have never done something worthy of being properly stripped down by Muz, but all of our conversations have been useful or have served to build me up as a leader- and I know he has done the same for a number of others. He has always sat as a willing source of wisdom to myself and I know a few others as they have braved the waters of leadership. I don't know how this sort of activity quantifies with the Master at Arms, but I do wish to add my voice.

The care than Muz has for both Marka Ragnos and Clan Naga Sadow has been evident in his actions. He has helped more members than myself and the Quaestor of Marka Ragnos to grow in their leadership skills and I am happy to know that I can go to him for advice in how to best lead our unit. Everything he has done for us has been more appreciated than I can really say in this recommendation. For this, I want to thank Muz and add my voice in support of awarding him an Anteian Cross.

Master Bentre Stahoes, 2018-01-28 22:56:33 UTC

I wish to recommend Muz for an Anteian Cross, I could just leave it at that and walk off but I guess I should do one properly. What is there to say about Muz's activity since his last recognition?

To start Muz has participated in 23 competitions, 4 PvP matches and 23 PvE activities. On top of this, he has taken part in 4 fiction activities and 3 run on posts with a combined total word total of 5,956. He's obtained 6 degrees in the SA and passed 7 SA courses!

His award list includes 2 Gold Nova and 2 Bronze Nova from the GJW! 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star, 5 CoF, 11 CoI, 79 CoE, 12 Clusters of Graphite and 19 Seals of Wrath! I'll come back to this GJW activity in a moment.

Muz also served as Quaestor as HMR for 2 months, longer but we are looking at his last recognition and has been a part of the Star Chamber for 7 months!

Right so back to the War. Muz participated in 19 competitions out of 27 and earned the same amount in Seals. He placed 4 times, earning Two Gold and Two Bronze Nova. He was named Naga Sadow Clan Champion for his placements and activity.

Muz is a constant driving Force within Naga Sadow and HMR and I am always proud to recommend an award for him for his hard work and continued commitment to the House and Clan. Thank you Muz and well done on your Anteian Cross!

Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow, 2018-01-28 22:57:29 UTC