Dark Cross events for Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu

Dark Cross events
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

I was approached on IRC by JH Korras of House Marka Ragnos. According to him, PRT Muz Ashen created the graphics for his phyle's (Avatars of Death) website at www.krath.org/phyles/Avatars. Since then, the Tetrarch who requested those graphics resigned, and the current Tetrarch is on leave, and since Muz Ashen is in my house, I've been asked to recommend the Dark Cross for this activity myself.

, 2004-02-29 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

For his recent activity, taking part in competitions we have running, creating banner for Night Hawks phyle, being ready to help with every sort of things we have running in House Marka Ragnos, additional points gained during the Sith War, and very good mIRC presence.

I believe that this medal is only a small token of our appreciation for the excellent work Muz's been doing for Marka Ragnos.

KE Tissaya Luna Argat Aedile of House Marka Ragnos

, 2004-03-16 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

for submitting a large (large? insane fits better..) amount of entries for the Bonanza Competition.

, 2004-04-12 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
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Contribution to the first Sadow Chronicle (www.nagasadow.org/chronicle/issue_i/issue_i.html).

, 2005-02-22 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Third Place in the Sunday Tournament of 04/03/05; my apologies on the delay. Congrats!

, 2005-04-08 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Aidan Kincaid
Primary reason

Muz helped me complete an important clan-project by volunteering his time and skill to create a special graphic I needed done. Despite working on an assload of warbanners among other things, Muz managed to complete the image in a day and it was waiting in my inbox for me. Just a small token of thanks.

Aidan Kincaid, 2005-10-08 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

For achieving his issued goal of leveling 8 Combat Levels in a matter of<br> 4 hours.

, 2006-05-28 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Braecen Kaeth
Primary reason

For service unto the Grand Master's Royal Guard.

Muz participated in Assassinate the Jac, Lost Academy (Long Fiction, Winner), Gethsemane Run-On and 2 Crucibles - Accruing 225 Loyalty

Braecen Kunar - Guard Captain

Braecen Kaeth, 2007-01-16 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Kir Taldrya Katarn
Primary reason

For service to the Chamber of Justice and the Brotherhood as a whole.

Kir Taldrya Katarn, 2007-06-20 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Syn Kaek
Primary reason

For Muz's outstanding work orchestrating the Rite of Supremacy, the Dark Council presents him with this Dark Cross and a ceremonial cookie of darkness. The Council and its associates had the following to add:

There I was - two weeks before the first event - sitting in my recliner, eating sunflower seeds and coding for the RoS...all while idling skillfully on IRC. A PM awoke me from my dazed PHP trance and with the speed of a mongoose, I ALT-tabbed to see a message from Muz. After the pleasantries were exchanged - helloes, emotes, and extensive cyborz - he offhandedly mentioned that some art was needed for the RoS...the original people who had signed up for the task were being mauled by bears IRL or something and couldn't finish things up. I said, "I'll do it, Grand Master Muz, sir!" With a thanks and a winky smile, he was gone in a flash of logout text. I had been manipulated by the Dark Lord of the Sith and I knew it. He was good. When he used his Dark Jedi wiles and ASCII nudes to convince me to do the same thing again in a week, 3 days before the RoS...I knew for sure that I was no match for his sneaky ways. Someone who exhibits the traits of such a powerful being deserves one of the biggest and brightest awards known to the Brotherhood, which is why I aimed to nominate Muz Ashen to receive a Diamond Sword. But when I found out he had to grade all the events on his own, my mind raced with the thoughts of a Golden Lightsaber - the Lion of Tarthos weaving in and out of combat with golden fire in his hands. But, what really pushed this nomination forward was when he graded week 3 in favor of Taldryan. For that, I nominate Muz Ashen to receive a Dark Cross! -Orv Dessrx d'Tana


A few months back, Muz opened up the position of Fiction Tribune to Applications. The real question was, who is to be the individual to fill such a massive void left by Raken? It turned out to be someone nobody expected: an angry lesbian erotica author. At first, several of us thought that Muz was playing a practical joke on us, particularly me as I had warned him against the emosplosions that come with appointing her to any position. He decided to give her the benefit of the doubt. In comes the RoS and I, too, decided to give the Fiction Tribune the benefit of the doubt. Two timeouts and one massive emosplosion ragequit dossier deletion later, Muz and I both are able to share our experiences knowing that neither of us will ever give someone the benefit of the doubt so lightly ever again. In recognition of our shared experience, I nominate Muz Ashen for a Dark Cross. -Alaris Jinn di Plagia


Grand Master Muz Ashen single-handedly put on, carried on, and graded the entire Rite of Supremacy. Alone, he has graded over eighty Antei Combat Centre battles, innumerable Fiction and Poetry entries, judged a multitude of Graphics, taken complaints from every Clan, carried on a real life, and still has some semblance of sanity. If for that fact alone, I recommend that he be given this Dark Cross as a token of my esteem. Also, please consider this your just and fair payment for any and all BIAS. -Vodo Biask Taldrya


Once upon a midnight dreary, while I was drunk, exhausted, weary, Over many a darkity volume of forgotten Brotherhood lore, While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of a Grand Master loudly clapping, clapping just outside my door. 'Tis some fool,' I muttered, 'clapping just outside my door - Only this, and nothing more.'

Then this Muzish ruckus beguiling my drunken fancy into smiling, By the flamboyant yet darkity decorum of the very Dark Cross it wore, 'Though thy breath be cruel and scary, thou,' I said, 'art sure no fairy. Ghastly grim yet making merry Rites of Supremacy galore - Tell me what the lordly name is of that porn you least abhor?' Quoth the Grand Master, 'Midget Hardcore.'

-Kir Katarn


I liek Muzz because his hare and eyes are black. He uses two lightsaybers which is fun to do in JA and he is also the grnad mastre which is gud. Muz deserves a CD for running a Right of Supremacy which is fun for everyone even Muzz. He never complanes and is Matt Adler's frend. Gud worc Muz!!!!!!!5432!!!1



I don't actually like Muz. He's just... annoying, and weird. With his facial hair and his "cool lightsabers". I mean, talk about a nerd. And then his leadership skills, don't even get me started. Running successful Rites of Supremacy and helping push character avatars and a DB possessions system and always helping out with the Shadow Academy when asked. Trying to be a new age leader in this Post-Exodus world we live in. Who does he think he is? Washington? Jac? Come on, what a poser. So, I guess he can have this Dark Cross, if it makes him happy. I suppose it equals out to what he's accomplished so far. Whatever. -Aabsdu


As one of Muz's many slaves, he treats me so nice by whispering soft things into my ear, even though I know they are all completely false. The fact that he at least puts forth effort to make me feel like a woman is more than enough for this Dark Cross. Thanks for all the fish! -Shikyo


I <3 Muz moar than infinity times 1 billion squared which is why he totally deserves this Dark Cross 'cos it is like, as angsty and dark and brooding as he is. And it like, totally reflects the murky depths of his tortured gothic soul. And stuff. - Manji


I am here today to request a Dark Cross for Muz. Muz is absolutely, unequivocally the most active and capable leader I have had since I first became Consul...errrr...Master At Arms. He is there to constantly serve as an example of strong, capable leadership for my members. In the past month, he has undertaken many leadership tasks that I have assigned him. I am very proud of the results of these tasks. I know that Muz will continue to engage in ambiguously described tasks and nebulously concrete accomplishments because he is so very active and helpful. Therefore, I would like for him to receive this medal. -Kaek


Little can be said about Muz Ashen that hasn't been already noted. During his tenure as Grand Master he has shown us a new standard in character, responsibility, and leadership while executing the duties of the Iron Throne. In many areas Muz has demonstrated a deft hand and way of doing business that often leaves the rest of us wondering just how he does what he does.

His keen eye for qualified personnel to assist him in the massive undertakings of the Brotherhood has been beyond reproach. Be it the steadfast presence and work ethic of the Deputy Grand Master (one only need read his reports to see his dedication to our membership) or the dynamic talent of the recent Fiction Tribune, Muz has found a way to renew the lifeblood of the club in a manner few other Grand Masters have used.

Further, Lord Ashen has authored numerous ground-breaking projects during his reign deserving of mention here. Members have enjoyed and benefited from these works for months now by getting to actually read in Muz's reports many exciting snippets about what these enterprises may or may not ultimately do. We know our members cannot wait until the next cropped screen shot or succinct remarks on why we don't need to know more. Prolificacy on this level has not been seen since the time of Zoraan and Torquemada and it is most welcome.

Perhaps Muz's greatest contribution during his time as Grand Master has come with the alleviation of the languishing state of dark Jedi couture. The concerns of the more fashion-minded members of the Brotherhood have finally been addressed by many sizzling new garments for any occasion. Whether an Obelisk Templar needs a smart and functional frock that holds onto winter but says he's ready for spring, or a Krath Priest can't seem to find armor in just the right shade of mauve, Muz's work has brought new functionality to a desperate aspect of the club.

One could go on, but it would only serve to needlessly embarrass a man in whom we all trust to keep the Brotherhood running as smoothly as it always has. We have only to look up from our keyboards and see Taldryan in the finals of the Rite of Supremacy to know that all is right under Muz's watchful eye.

Please award Grand Master Muz Ashen the Dark Cross for an impressive body of work that more than warrants this distinction.



Congratulations on your award, Muz. What an appropriate final act as MAA :P


Syn Kaek, 2010-02-05 23:36:44 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Epis Locke Sonjie
Primary reason

Muz has been tearing through the Shadow Academy lately, completing ten courses in only a couple of days. As a result, he has earned the Mavens in Lore and Galactic History, and the Savant in Tactics. Furthermore, as the appended recommendation shows, he has jumped right into helping out the Clan. In addition, Muz has helped get members into gaming, and has earned 70 Clusters of Fire and five Pendants of Blood as a result of this. Muz shows a lot of promise as a member of Naga Sadow and I'd like to congratulate him on his first Dark Cross (in five years)!

KE Locke Sonjie
Consul of Naga Sadow

Epis Locke Sonjie, 2015-03-27 19:51:56 UTC
Additional reasons

I am honored to be recommending Muz for this Dark Cross, since retiring from Grand Master he has been an active individual inside of Naga Sadow. Already making an impact on the activity level of the unit and helping members out.

He has recently been sitting on G+ with new members interacting with them on a daily basis and helping them understand the club, something that most people find surprising to say the least, being new and having the pleasure of being explained the club by Muz. On top of that he continues to get involved in gaming, working with members and finding out who has certain games, this has led to build up Diablo 3 activity inside of Naga Sadow every day seeing if people want to come and play it with him. And finally the amount of times I have whatsapped him saying 'can I grab you for a second' he instantly comes back offering his opinion and input into ideas sharing his wealth of knowledge with myself and Locke.

Congratulations on this Dark Cross Muz, I look forward to seeing your continued work inside of Naga Sadow. Thanks for putting up with my stupid questions sometimes. Drinks are on you this time. Proconsul of Naga Sadow

Proconsul of Naga Sadow

Cethgus Tiberius Entar, 2015-03-27 19:51:10 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow
Primary reason

I wish to award Muz for achieving a perfect participation in the recent house event Rest & Relaxation Marka Ragnos Style. Out of the entire house he managed to be the only one to achieve this goal and thus place in all available competitions.

The competitions are; I love this bar, Time after time, We're all going on a summer holiday, Flying without wings and Get that bot!

For this feat I would like to award him a Dark Cross.

Well done!

  • Ophelia

Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow, 2016-05-05 05:18:47 UTC