Silver Sash events for Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu

Silver Sash events
Event ID
Silver Sash
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

I believe the recommendations below my own cover the lengthly reasons that Muz Keibatsu is worthy of the Silver Sash. Rather than recount the unbelievable amount of work and dedication Muz has put into the Dark Brotherhood, I would like to talk about what makes Muz the absolute right person for this award.

Muz Keibatsu was selected as the Deputy Grand Master one year ago and his reception was less than ideal. Members complained that Muz was a one trick pony or that he possessed some sort of insurmountable bias that would never allow him to excel as a Deputy Grand Master. Some members even went as far as to say Muz would never be appointed as the Grand Master and that he might not even make it six months as the DGM.

I think it is safe to say that these members were wrong. Muz has proven to be one of the most formidable and accomplished Deputy Grand Masters in the history of the Dark Brotherhood. His work and selfless service to our club have placed him in the rarefied air that only our Immortals have achieved.

This last year with Muz as DGM has assured everyone in the Dark Brotherhood that he is the absolute right person for this award and the absolute right person to succeed me as Grand Master.

Congratulations Muz, I am very thankful for all you have done.

Grand Master Sarin Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood

In an age where few stand worthy of the organization’s highest honors, Dark Jedi Master Muz Keibatsu Sadow surely stands foremost among them. Deputy Grand Master, Sith Lord, and Champion of the Antei Combat Centre are but a few of this man’s achievements. The laurels he has garnered in four years of service eclipse most of those earned by influential members in twice the time.

Muz has served as Deputy Grand Master for the last year helping Sarin to reshape the club into something not only more interesting and entertaining, but also something of which to be proud as a member, administrator, and fan. He has put in the long hours with us creating events like the Rite of Supremacy and the Great Jedi War and has risen to the occasion time and again.

While balancing the nebulous duties of DGM, Muz has also continued to contribute to the fictional nature of the club with his impressive Hand to Hand Guide. His second compendium, blending canonical information with an expert crafting of fanon, is not only useful and interesting, but serves to more intricately weave the mythological fabric of the Dark Brotherhood we’re all working to create.

Before ascending as the Shadow Hand, Muz was the Brotherhood’s Herald and provider of professional quality art that would otherwise be unavailable to us. Though his responsibilities turn his hand to the more mundane policing of general club activities and member management, Muz continues to find time to help supplement the current Herald’s work with his own. Rather than losing the talents of an excellent Herald, the Brotherhood simply retained them while exploiting yet more of Muz’s dynamic energy.

Muz is also a pleasure to work with maintaining his creativity and positive attitude regardless of the situation or project. Muz delivers and he delivers quality in a time when one or the other is rare enough let alone both. I am most impressed with Muz in all aspects of his character as a member, a developer, and most importantly, a friend.

Raken Praetor Dude

There are many people who go above and beyond what is asked of them, and truly contribute to the whole of the Brotherhood. However, it was a pretty easy choice to determine who was that one special member who just went all out and was an integral part of the Dark Brotherhood this past year. He was instrumental in running a fairly problem-free GJW, ensuring that everything was completed and graded in record time. He is constantly dealing with all issues around the DB, dealing with the various problems and crises that do pop up quite frequently. He continues to be a large provider of graphics and related work for the numerous projects that are coming down the pipe. The amount of hours that are put in are staggering.

It's hard to really grasp what Muz does from the outside looking in. So much of his work is never really seen, or takes so much time to be seen, due to the sheer amount. I have however seen him work on a constant basis. I know what he goes through as DGM, and "on the side" he continues to produce mass amounts of material for use by the Dark Brotherhood as a whole, and not just for certain parts of it. Everything he does is for the whole of the club. His was the name that first popped into my head when someone needed to be chosen for this honour, and he is more than deserving of it. Congratulations!

DJM Halcyon Rokir Consul of Taldryan

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2008-04-12 06:02:47 UTC