Diamond Sword events for Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu

Diamond Sword events
Event ID
Diamond Sword
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

Muz Keibatsu Sadow is with out a doubt one of the most impressive members in Dark Brotherhood history. His dedication and service to the Dark Brotherhood goes above and beyond the standard and he continually impresses all those who work with and and all of those who benefit from his work. If you take quick stock of Muz's resume you will find the following. - Lightsabers. Check. Robes. Check. Warbanners. Check. Graphics for Websites. Check. Custom Variations of all of those previously mentioned. Check.- Muz is one of those individuals who has the ability to impact the Dark Brotherhood immediately with his work and his work never fails to impress. Muz, for your hard work, your dedication, and your service to the Dark Brotherhood, I award you the Diamond Sword. You have certainly earned it. -----Grand Master Sarin<br> <br> Without a doubt, Muz Keibatsu Sadow is one of the finest Brotherhood members to have graced our presence. I am confident that Muz deserves to join the fine line of members who hold a Diamond Sword.<br> <br> Muz has been one of the most energetic, fast-paced and<br> project-oriented Heralds I have ever seen. His work is remarkable and his innovation has no match. His office has not only continued to serve in creating the customary warbanners for members, but it has expanded to a more particular custom lightsaber and robe system. The<br> lightsabers that Muz has created: I lost count after a few hundred. He has allowed for the Brotherhood members to have unprecedented flexibility in choosing a style to match their character. The same goes for the robes: Muz has created so many that it is easy for members now to customize the look of their persona. On top of it all,<br> Muz creates so many custom lightsabers and robes; the Equites and Elders are truly blessed to have that option. This was not possible but a year ago: Muz has really changed the face of the Brotherhood.<br> <br> The most impressive thing about Muz is his desire to do more. He has worked on the different lightsaber and combat guides, worked on the medals, designed new images for the website and helped the clans with<br> various graphic projects. He has also taken it upon himself to continue the planning and coordination of the Rebirth possessions system. The work that he has done there is stellar and the Brotherhood members will be amazed upon its launch.<br> <br> Muz is a pleasure to work with. I enjoyed my time serving with him on the Dark Council. I know he will continue to do well, but let us now recognize his efforts and the hundreds of hours he has put into this club. Muz Keibatsu deserves a Diamond Sword.---- Lord Jac Cotelin<br> <br> Muz is one of the pillars of our organization today. The fantastic things he does with all our cool sabers, robes, things like the lightsaber guide and upcoming (secret project that he will kill me for mentioning) are incredible. This takes many hours, I am sure he has spent over a thousand on these works to date. He is always there for me to ask questions, or clarify anything I need elaborated.<br> <br> I have the fortunate privilege of being able to write with him on occasion, and sometimes to gather data in his search for lightsaber lore or other Dark Side errata. I can tell you, he is always professional and considerate of the members, while not being afraid to speak up when the time is right. He is a great role model for our members.<br> <br> In short, I see him as being a formative influence on the modern status of the Brotherhood at large. Our club is enhanced by his efforts and presence, and for this he deserves recognition.---- SBL Mononoke "Macron" Keibatsu-Goura <br> <br> We've all seen what Muz has done. The new lightsabers and robes are a great addition to the Brotherhood and I know Muz has been the major force behind the expanding options. In working with Muz, I've found someone that I can get along and work well with, and this helps the Dark Council function better. Muz is great for bouncing ideas off of, and he's someone I've enjoyed working with whenever the opportunity has arisen. Since he is the Herald and I'm the Headmaster, our respective jobs don't cross that much. But, we are both working towards the same goal: the betterment of the Brotherhood. And I see in Muz a dedicated, talented person working towards that goal, not always in trying to make things run better or more efficiently (though he does that), but in making the Brotherhood much more awesome.~DJM Anshar Kahn Tarentae <br> <br> Since I first joined the Brotherhood, Muz has been a constant help with many of the aspects of the Brotherhood. There has been a few times where I have come to him for guidance and have found his advice to be extremely helpful. Granted, he creates the graphics for the site but his leadership skills have been a major help to me when it comes to the decisions I have needed help making. This award is a major achievement and I believe he deserves it fully. Congratulation, Muz! Spare us in the ACC! :-P---SW Shikyo "Rurouni" Keibatsu<br> <br> Muz Keibatsu Sadow celebrated his one year in the Herald office in January by making a new sabre available to all Dark Jedi Knights and above. One which I myself now carry. No one knows better then I how many hours he spends on making sabers, robes, custom work and and all the special projects that make the Dark Jedi Brotherhood great. He has worked tirelessly to make graphics for just about everything the Brotherhood needs, holding the Herald office to a new standard.<br> <br> Muz has also taken time to assist with various things in Clan Naga Sadow. Writing epic stories for runon's, serving as a judge during the last House feud, and even sitting on the Conclave each month. He still cares about and makes himself available to his Clan in any every way possible.<br> <br> His insight is invaluable, always offering up an unbiased opinion to all who seek it and putting the betterment of the Brotherhood before all else.<br> <br> Muz has gone above and beyond the standard of excellence in his job duties as Herald and more then deserves the recognition for it. I am honored and privileged to give my recommendation for this award.----KP Ashia Kagan Keibatsu <br> <br> What is the mark of one’s achievement in the things he has turned his hands to? Is it a single epic work such as the Dark Jedi Brotherhood Lightsaber Guide? Might it be the creation of unprecedented customization of one’s character dossier? Perhaps it is found in the innovation of a tool that allows members to pick and choose saber hilts, accents, and blade colors with ease? Could it not also be leadership demonstrated to one’s Battleteam, House, Clan, and Club counted not in months, but years? <br> <br> If one really desires the answers to these questions, he need only ask Muz Keibatsu Sadow.<br> <br> When I look at Muz’s dossier, I see there but a hint of what he has done for this club. At once I am awed by his devotion and shamed by it. I wish to emulate it. The competitor in me wants to surpass it. The man in me simply admires it. The leader in me seeks to reward it. The student in me wants to learn from it.<br> <br> What is the mark of one’s achievement in the things he has turned his hands to? Look around you and see it for yourself.----Raken, Left Hand of Justice – Praetor to the Grand Master<br> <br> This will probably be repeated by a number of others, but the amount of work Muz does for this club is ind-boggling. Even though he's re-done all of the robe and lightsaber stuff, he continually works at adding more and more for the members, far beyond anything we ever had.<br> We have choice because of him. This does not exclude the custom work he does for members, as well as the warbanners he still has a hand in. However, his real work now comes from projects we haven't seen. Any<br> graphical work that is needed for this club goes through him. We need things designed for future competitions? Muz does them. New medal images are needed? Go to Muz.<br> <br> He isn't just a "graphics" guy, but is also an accomplished writer in his own right and continues to help out other areas of the DB in varying degrees. The sheer amount of work however can never be overstated. While people may say this or that about how things look<br> and complain about not getting this or that, there is only a handful of people who have put in the same amount of hard work and dedication into this club. Try going out into the real world and see how much this work would cost you should you hire someone. Then remember that<br> this is all done for free during his off-hours. This award is a very rare honour, but it is rare to find someone of his calibre. Well done, Muz!----DJM Halcyon Rokir<br> <br> Muz is, well, Muz is what I think a lot of members in this club look upto, and 'aspire' to become. Muz kicks ass in anything he does, be it leading a Battleteam, House or serving as Proconsul, all the way to Herald of the Brotherhood. Muz just has that way with people, he's a<br> natural leader, and just blows everyone else out of the water.<br> <br> Since becoming Herald, Muz has totally re-invented the way Warbanners, Sabres, and Robes work in the Brotherhood. I distinctly remember rather ugly robes we had not too long ago, gray and green. I guess in hindsight, they weren't even that bad, it's just Muz's robes are so far superior. The sabres we have now don't even<br> begin to compete with what I first had when I was Knight'ed. And the Warbanners, they are just awesome.<br> <br> As Muz completes his first year as Herald, I think it's high time he be recognized for the substantial ammount of work he's done for this Brotherhood. So Muz, congratz on this, and I hope you continue to serve us for a long, long time! ----SBM Derev Niroth<br> <br> I was chatting with one of our Jedi Hunters a few days ago about who is working for DJK, telling him about when I was JH and remembering the horrendous looking plasticy green and grey robes I used to have<br> that were one of my big motivators for getting Knighted to get rid of the things, which were then replaced with black plasticy looking robes.<br> <br> A year and a bit on, you can see how much work has come out of the Heralds office, they've improved massively, as have the warbanners and<br> the lightsabers. For some people these things don't matter, they just really care about gaming or chatting, but to the rest of us who've gone through dozens of robe and lightsaber changes as new designs have come out, it genuinely adds quality and a bit of fun to a members<br> dossier. From the original sketches posted in his reports, Muz and his staff have produced a vast array of new robes and sabers for people to choose from, all vastly different styles to suit members tastes, as well as the training sabers for journeymen. I can't draw to save my<br> life, but I can still try and get an idea of how much work and imagination has gone into improving this area of the Brotherhood.<br> <br> For all the work he's done since becoming Herald offering fun and impressive looking stuff for members to choose to put on their dossiers, for the training saber concept and artwork, and for the site layouts produced, Muz definitely deserves the recognition.----Malisane de Ath<br> <br> Muz, that one name out of all the thousands entered into the rolls of our hallowed tradition is synonymous with greatness. Since his ascension to the post of Herald we have seen a myriad of works issue forth from his office, but it is not the quantity of his deeds that astounds us most, it is the quality. No matter the project it is completed with the same levels of professionalism and excellence that we have come to expect from the Office of the Herald.<br> <br> <br> <br> But it is not for these reasons alone that we honor the man. We honor him because he is truly great in thought, in word, and in deed he places his battle-brothers before himself. He is gracious in defeat (has he ever been defeated?) and humble in victory. Fatherly to the newest among us and a brother to those that have served beside him. For all of these reasons do we honor the man Muzashi Daraku Keibatsu-Sadow.<br> <br> Krath Epis Shin'ichi Endymiron Keibatsu<br><br> Muz has been one awesome Herald if I do say so myself. Over the past year now he's done more than I personally have seen from any Herald. He's made a wonderful and comprehensive robe system for the Brotherhood. On top of that he has custom robes for many, with new additions regularly. He's made an even better lightsaber system with all kinds of marvelous designs, plus many, many custom jobs for people. We've seen redone medals, work for the Great Jedi War, and much more from Muz over the past year. It's been a long time since he's seen a major award, about time for another. Congratulations Muz, well done!-- Duga Taldrya Arkarso

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2007-02-20 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Diamond Sword
Requested by
Primary reason

Muz Ashen assumed the role of Grand Master five years ago to the day. Since that time he has shaped the Dark Brotherhood and its systems in nearly every imaginable way. His persistent vision redefined the way we operated and created an organization that boasts one of the most complex online experiences on the internet. The systems that we take for granted; Robes, weapons, character sheets, combat arenas, credits, prestige, possessions, and countless others, have all been guided to completion by Muz's expert management.

Awarding any Grand Master is a difficult task, but Grand Master Ashen provides a unique challenge due to the longevity of his reign. He has received every award, every accolade, and yet he continues to produce ideas and products that enhance the entire Dark Jedi Brotherhood. After careful deliberation, multiple Dark Councilors determined that the Diamond Sword was the perfect award to celebrate Muz's fifth year as Grand Master. The Diamond Sword is awarded for members who strive to improve our organization as a whole and have done so with persistent longevity. In the history of our club, no one has deserved this award more than Muz Ashen. He is the personification of dedication, longevity, and dedication to improve the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.

I'm honored to write this recommendation and count myself among Muz's Dark Councilors. Congratulations old friend.

Grand Master Pravus, Voice of the Dark Brotherhood

Muz has always been someone I look up to. His dossier pin maybe higher than mine, but he’s always been the guy doing ALL THE THINGS. His drive, passion and skill has and will always floored me. Hell, Muz has been the Grand Master for half the time I have been a member of the Brotherhood.

What makes Muz special isn’t just his own work, but also his ability to rip the best out of people. It’s truly the case that if it weren’t for Muz I’d likely not have the drive to do what I do for the Brotherhood and I know I’m not the only case of this.

Muz is an exemplary leader, a shining example that everyone should try to live up to, and I for one would love to see him still on the iron throne in another 5 years (regardless of his protests…)

Congrats Muz, this is well earned, I only wish there was something more we could have got you.

Consular Cleric Solari, Head Master of the Dark Brotherhood

What do you give somebody who has nothing left to prove? Muz Ashen has been leading this club for five years now - over a quarter of the club's age - which is an almost unbelievable feat. I will leave it to my fellow councillors to elaborate on the plethora of contributions made by Muz that make the Brotherhood a better place. I will let the quantity and volume of these recommendations speak for itself, and only add that I wholeheartedly agree this Diamond Sword is very well deserved. Congratulations!

Dark Jedi Master James Lucius Entar Arconae, Seneschal of the Dark Brotherhood

Muz has watched over the Club from the Iron Throne (or while standing next to it) for over five years now. From the dates I've heard tossed around, that's nearly a quarter of its existence (if not more).

Despite this marathon run as Grand Master Muz continues to surprise members with new Events and ideas. In the past year we saw the Dark Crusade kick off, a brand new type of Event that challenged members and Units to prove their stamina over the course of 10 months. While the "main effort" of this offensive has slowed the fight continues on, with a storyline leading out Club into the next Great Jedi War.

Just before and in the midst of the Crusade Muz had to bring on board six new Dark Councilors. Some grizzled veterans of the Dark Council, others new faces to it. As these personnel changes occurred there Muz not only had to take on his "standard" tasks, if there is such a thing for a GM, he also had to mentor new individuals on how to step into their jobs (yes, I count as one of them). Through all of this he continues to find time to dedicate towards the Graphics work he continues to do for the club, out of pure enjoyment (or he's sadistic - probably this).

I've only scratched the surface of what Muz has been involved in. Nearly every project which has come forward in the past year has been influenced in some way by his valuable feedback. While this isn't the time to talk about projects to come, he's got no shortage of those planned either.

The Diamond Sword is awarded to a member who shows an "impressive array of talents and qualities over a considerable length of time". Even a cursory glance at the work Muz has done in his time as Grand Master shows he meets and exceeds this criteria. Thank you for your continued dedication to the Club Muz, and congratulations!

Sith Battlelord Valhavoc, Fist of the Dark Brotherhood

I would like to give Muz the Diamond Sword for his tireless devotion to the club. Muz is one of the few members we have for whom the work is truly the reward.

For over a year now I have watched the Grand Master constantly turn the lathe of improvement for the club. Be it his conceptualizing and organizing The Dark Crusade, his ground-breaking work on the Possessions system, or his ceaseless stream of custom art for the our members, Muz is always at work on something. But these projects are just one facet of what a Grand Master has to contend with.

Muz handles everything from evaluating leaders to analyzing statistics to arbitrating disputes. While working on the aforementioned projects. While doing all the above he also fields a littany of complaints that are without end and often, unfortunately, malicious in nature. While doing that Muz has had to replace nearly the entire Dark Council over the last year due to real life circumstances and personality issues.

While doing that he ran an unprecedented Vendetta lasting the better part of a year. A first of its kind, The Dark Crusade saw both skill and participation rewarded under a system Muz suggested as well as tactical and strategic planning required on the part of unit leaders. The scoring load of TDC was enormous and strained us all. But despite all Muz's other duties and responsibilities, he dug in with us every chapter and phase and completed more than his fair share of the scoring.

While building, running, amd scoring the Crusade, Muz was also overseeing the Antei Combat Center revamp. Being something of an ACC expert, Muz's input and help along the way was invaluable to getting a favorite activity back into action.

During this time our yearly Internal Reviews came due and Muz took point there as well responding to each unit with feedback and encouragement.

He has reviewed multiple proposals, overseen the new Lightsaber and Hand-to-Hand guide development, counseled troubled members, and written a plethora of award recommendations ensuring those under him are being taken care of.

Additionally, Muz worked hard recently to cover during my extended work absence by finishing the Crusade scoring and reporting. That was my responsibility, but I knew I could count on Muz to make it happen when I couldn't.

So for that and everything else Muz does, I would like to thank him with this token of my appreciation.

Raken, Deputy Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood

Raken, 2014-02-22 01:42:35 UTC