Grand Cross events for Colonel Shanree Argentin

Grand Cross events
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Syn Kaek
Primary reason

Ah yes, my favorite Ektrosian ever. Vodo Biask is truly the one member of Ektrosis that deserves recognition more than any other. A friend to his peers, a natural leader, and a good guy, Vodo is the single most well-rounded Ektrosian in recent memory. Having never been properly awarded for his first tenure as Aedile, this Grand Cross recognizes the tremendous amount of work Vodo put into making bi-weekly reports, running competitions, co-working on projects with myself and DJK hopefuls, keeping ATRs of the entire House, and the many other tasks associated with being a member on the Ektrosis Summit. His leadership was some of the finest I've ever had the pleasure to work with, and I look forward to regaining his comraderie on the House Summit as he prepares to start the next chapter of his dedication to Taldryan. Between his retirement from Aedile over three months ago until his reinstatement today, Vodo's activity has been notable. Despite being on a semi-LoA, Vodo made report headers for half of the total Taldryan Summit, including the Consul. His work with graphics is a tremendous asset to our Clan, and I applaud his skill and finesse which so many of us lack. He participated in the Independence Games and helped propel Taldryan to 2nd place. Most recently, he placed 3rd overall in the Clan Taldryan Feud (Operation Swift Justice). The only Ektrosian to place in the top 3, Vodo's commitment to his House and sheer tenacity are the qualities that illustrate the ideal member of this House. There is no substitute for Vodo as I have found out the hard way, and it truly is an honor for me to present this Grand Cross of the Dark Side to Vodo. Congratulations my new Aedile, you've truly earned this! -- Sklib +SBM Sklib+ *** Vodo's time as Aedile during his first go around was never properly awarded. His many months as Aedile showed off his skills as a leader, one of the finest AEDs I've seen during my time here. He was timely on his reports; made great ATRs; ran numerous competitions and was someone others in the House could go to when they had a problem. His activity was also above-par, garnering crescents in the double-digits while also making a number of graphics for the Clan and individuals. Since retiring from AED Vodo has continued his activities, being the top point-getter for Ektrosis in "Operation: Swift Justice" while netting himself 8 crescents. I believe Vodo is more than deserving of this medal! --- DJM Halcyon Rokir Consul of Taldryan

Recommended on behalf of Halc and restored because of a database failure - DA Syn Kaek

Syn Kaek, 2008-08-25 19:27:13 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Lord Halcyon
Primary reason

Oh behalf of Sidarace, QUA of Ektrosis, I am submitting this request. I believe Vodo proved himself in the GJW, his level of activity near the top when compared to the rest of the DB. Coupled with his leadership during that time period, this reward is most deserved

DJM Halcyon Rokir

Vodo has been the leading figure in Ektrosis since taking his position as Quaestor. Participating in 17 events throughout the GJW and being one of the top active members in the Clan, Vodo put his all into aiding Taldryan to a close second place overall against Clan Arcona. Vodo’s activity was not the only thing that stood out, rather, his leadership in leading his house as Quaestor. Keeping a constant email turn around to anyone who had any questions and always being on IRC, Vodo did more than his share of keeping his house in line during a time of war. For his outstanding leadership and activity during Taldryan’s greatest need, I am pleased to award Vodo Biask with a Grand Cross of the Dark side! Congratulations! ~ Sidarace

Lord Halcyon, 2009-06-30 20:00:28 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Primary reason

Since taking on the position of Voice of the Brotherhood Vodo has taken on the task of releasing fiction that not only incorporates the entire DB, but also featuring members who have excelled at various competitions. His fictions have been well-received due to their quality and the overall entertainment value of the plots. He has also continued to run various fiction-related competitions, with more focus on Run-Ons, which have received some great interest and participation. He has also taken on the task to help others run DB-wide fiction competitions. For his continued efforts in the fictional realm of the DB we believe he is more than deserving of this award.

DJM Halcyon Taldrya Deputy Grand Master

There are few positions that have such an impact on activity in the Brotherhood as Voice. As gaming retreats to MMOs, GMRG events and Vendettas, Fiction has emerged as king. Wrangling such a beast can be an intimidating task, especially when there has only been one man in that position before you took it. Such events beg you to make it your own, and Vodo has seized upon that with gusto. He is much more involved with the fictional development of the Brotherhood, and he has been working to make canon-type events more accessible to the average member. This work is critical to our long-term success as a club, and effective at getting more and more people invested in what happens within the club and its vendetta events. As a result, I am hereby awarding Vodo with a Grand Cross of the Dark Side as a token of esteem and appreciation fro his hard work. Thank you for all that you do, Vodo. ~Muz Ashen, Dark Lord of the Sith

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2012-04-17 12:09:24 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
General Seraine "Erinyes" Taldrya Ténama
Primary reason

Since his last recognition (an Anteian Cross in October of 2019), Shanree—or as most of us still know him, Vodo— has participated in 29 competitions, earning 2 Crescents with Amethyst Stars, 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star, and 2 Crescents with Emerald Stars. In GJW XIV in 2020, he also earned a Silver Nova for his participation in the Taldryan clan run-on team, and in RoS: Escalation he won a Bronze Nova for one of his fiction entries.

In overall gaming, Vodo has completed 1 PvP match and 17 PvE activities, earning him 90 Clusters of Fire. In fiction, he's submitted 37,531 words in fiction entries and a further 7187 words in run-on posts, earning him 106 Clusters of Ice. Vodo has also run 9 competitions in that time, being the main driver behind the Telegram incarnation of Tal Trivia.

On the leadership front, Vodo stepped up as Ektrosis Quaestor after Appius' abrupt departure last year, holding the position for a total of 4 months, including during GJW XIV. In his leadership role, he was a major contributor to Taldryan's war effort. He rallied the Clan's members to participate in GJW XIV events, helped me organise the Taldryan RO and served as one of its "anchoring" writers (which were key to Taldryan winning the Silver Nova in that event), and even went so far as to press Benevolent and Driftan/Taig into service. He also took Appius under his wing upon Appius' return to the DB, acting as some combination of mentor and probation officer to ensure that Appius was prepared to take on the challenges of Quaestor after his return from his sudden resignation.

To commend him for his service to Taldryan, I hereby nominate Shanree/Vodo/The Dead One for a Grand Cross. Congratulations!

General Seraine "Erinyes" Taldrya Ténama, 2021-07-26 19:32:11 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Non-site XP
0 XP
Requested by
High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson
Primary reason

Shanree/Vodo/Whatever you want to call him has been a part of Taldryan's genetic makeup for pretty much as long as this Clan has been a thing. He never fails to represent Taldryan in whatever way he can, including completing an ACC battle!

(I know. Shocker, right?)

As well as 33 competitions and earning;

Silver Nova x1 Crescent with Diamond Star x1 Crescent with Ruby Star x1 Crescent with Amethyst Star x2 Crescent with Emerald Star x1

Congratulations on your Grand Cross, Shanree!

High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson, 2024-01-14 19:02:28 UTC