Vodo Biask Taldrya is a tall, physically imposing Twi'lek. Where his legs once were Vodo had metal prosthesis, reverse articulated and tipped in powerful, sharp claws, installed after a paralyzing crash during a Great Jedi War. His skin, once burnished red, has faded and grown somewhat sallow as his knowledge and control of the Dark Side has increased. Similarly, his formerly hazel eyes have turned to a frightening yellow and red, characteristic of those consumed by the Dark Side of the Force. Vodo prefers to wear form fitting light armor over his torso, shoulders, and arms beneath a close fitting black cloak cinched at his collar as not to be hindered or impeded in combat. Though scholastic and arcane, Vodo is solidly built and well prepared for the rigors of combat. Having participated in conflicts ranging from duels to brawls, feuds to wars, he has accumulated any number of small and unremarkable scars but they pale in comparison to the feature that perhaps best distinguishes him in the crowd: the gnarled, blackened, ritualistic scarifications upon his Lekku headtails. As a Journeyman, Vodo followed the instructions he'd found contained within a forbidden tome in the Shadow Academy and had etched designs of significant meaning, arcane power, and Dark Side sorcery into his own, sensitive flesh and allowed them to fester and heal poorly as they set. The result are scars that run up and down his lekku in complex and unnerving ways.
Vodo Biask Taldrya has a legendary and virulent need for vengeance. Once crossed, he will make it his life’s work to ensure that whatever slight was received is repaid tenfold. This need for vengeance can be all-consuming, and can often lead to short-sighted decisions.
Vodo is well known for his cold demeanor and humorlessness. His quiet scowl is a constant companion whether he is amongst close confidants or enemies. This makes him hard to understand and harder to predict, qualities that have aided him in his ascension to power and his thirst for more. Having made a career of instructing and leading the members of Clan Taldryan and the Brotherhood, Vodo's stoicism is well known. His demeanor hasn't endeared him to many however and those who have not worked closely with him are more like to fear or hate him than anything else.
Vodo Biask Taldrya has a tendency to be secretive and keeps to himself, relying on deception to conceal his motives and intentions. He is a schemer, and plots and plans against others carefully. When dealing with a confrontation, he will try and bluff his way out of trouble, or overcome obstacles with deliberate, covert actions.
Vodo has a permanent glower and it never falls lightly on anyone, even friends. He is quiet, preferring not to speak unless something needs to be said. The effect on those who don't know him can be intimidating though others find it unconvincing and overwrought. When finally pushed too far, and made impassioned, Vodo can become a tempest of emotions and fury which if not checked can turn upon nearby allies caught in the line of fire.
Vodo Biask Taldrya seems to get his thrills, perhaps sadistic ones at that, from toying with his opponents. Some are content with simply striking down or injuring their opponent, but that is not enough for Vodo Biask Taldrya. No, he wishes to see his enemy descend into madness or kneel before him as a blathering mess; or even better, as a fresh new servant with a muddled mind. The Puppeteer usually forsakes outright hurting and maiming his opponent and focuses on illusions, mind tricks, and other wicked means of destroying a person.
Vodo Biask Taldrya is utterly devoted to success in combat, no matter the mission, no matter the cost. He has spent his life building himself in the image of war, utilizing a dogmatic regimen that has lead him to a single-minded obsession with military success and requires intense physical and mental training. This training, however, has come at the cost of anything resembling empathy or concern for others - even his superiors and subordinates.
Master (+5) |
Adept (+4) | |
Proficient (+3) | |
Trained (+2) | |
Learned (+1) | |
Mediocre (+0) |
Master (+5) |
Adept (+4) | |
Disciple (+3) | |
Studied (+2) | |
Initiate (+1) |
Languages |
Lore |
Primary Martial Art | None |
Secondary Martial Art | None |
Primary Lightsaber Form | Sokan |
Secondary Lightsaber Form | None |