Emerald Dagger events for Lord Idris Adenn

Emerald Dagger events
Event ID
Emerald Dagger
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

Adept Xen'Mordin Vism orsus-Palpatine has performed superbly in the role of Consul for Scholae Palatinae. His service to the Clan and the Dark Brotherhood has not stretched for an unheralded 22 months in which he has provided leadership, stability, and mentorship to his Clan. Xen has organized competitions, posted reports, participated in club events, and served in various external roles that round out a year + of activity that sets him apart from many of our members and most of our leaders. I am pleased to award him the Emerald Dagger for his service, continued leadership, and contributions to our club.

Grand Master Pravus

Xen is the very definition of consistency and quality as Consul of Clan Scholae Palatinae. His last few years have been marked by the same consistency he has shown in the year and few months since his elevation to Dark Adept. Since then, CSP has been consistently in the top half of our units in every category throughout the our unit reports, driven by Xen’s constant stream of activities he creates for members and the impressive example he sets for his leaders. The numbers themselves are impressive - he has 55 competitions organized through major events, Feuds, and general Clan activities. And although most of Xen’s time is clearly spent generating content, when he does break into general activity, he does well, earning 11 crescents since his last promotion. Many of those Crescents - 13 in total across his career as Consul - have come from being the best report writer in a given week!

What really makes Xen so impressive is that competitions for him are not just merely things for members to do, but are instead aimed at advancing a constant story for his unit and engaging members in more than just participation. Virtually every competition Xen has organized is focused on driving a greater story and engagement, with numerous ‘campaign events’ which span months of time with several phases. From Xen’s Forgotten campaign in late 2015, to his House Feud event Subterfuge that garnered 25 participants and pit both units against one another, to his latest Clan event, the Order Campaign - currently underway but whose first chapter generated more than 80 total Clan submissions - Xen’s drive to provide the best experience for his members is clear.

It was during the CSP/CNS Feud that Xen relentless pursuit of the best experience possible for his members was on full display, as he contributed to every competition development possible and ensuring that the Feud went smoothly. While there were occasional conflicts between the summit leaderships, Xen smoothly navigated disagreements to keep the Feud moving. Shattered Ties was an enormous success and incredibly close throughout its duration, with 17 sub-competitions across three total phases, involving hundreds of submissions. His unit pulled out all the stops for the second round, and after a first round where the two units were essentially equal, CSP pulled ahead and took a commanding victory over CNS. While both units fought hard, no doubt the constant effort of CSP’s summit encouraging members at every turn on Telegram and email to participate is what helped them pull ahead.

Deputy Grand Master Mav

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2016-12-25 09:29:31 UTC
Event ID
Emerald Dagger
Non-site XP
52327 XP
Requested by
Lord Dacien Victae
Primary reason

Idris does a lot for this club. For the last two years he's served dual roles as Voice and Combat Master, responsible for all aspects of our character sheet system , the ACC, the club-wide plot and fictions to move it forward, as well as reviewing fiction competitions and reviewing some of his own. On top of that, he's our sanity check (we're doomed) for all Krathy things. If a DCer wants to do something fiction-adjacent that they think is cool, they ask him if it makes any sense at all. Occasionally it does. But he gets pestered about all of this stuff, except by Howie who doesn't care.

In the 14 months since his last award, he has moved the club plot through the conclusion (for now) of our CoM arc and Mav and Evant's Excellent Adventure. He's run 24 competitions, including most of the GJW fiction comps, and written thousands of words of club fiction updates. Among those updates were the four released with the GJW and six from the Galactic Happenings series. He also rewrote the ACC Guide, worked with James to launch the Combatant side of the ACC Society revamp and plan for the final Judging side, added a bunch of member-requested species, and found time to judge 54 ACC matches and participate in 63 competitions.

Next up, GJW XVII: The Great Chicken Coup.

Lord Dacien Victae, 2023-10-23 20:58:54 UTC
Additional reasons

Iddy! Buddy, pal, friendo. It's so good to be acknowledging the fact that you are one crazy—ahem. Listen, there's not a lot of people that can say they wrote an entire GJW plot while becoming more machine than man. But here you are...being that guy. I can't say how much I've appreciated your efforts in the Story Group and as Voice. Even more so, your efforts to craft an accessible and user-friendly ACC experience with hereto unheard of turn-around times.

Idris is one of the people I can always count on to be diving head first into discussions and debates amongst Councilors and he really enjoys what he creates for the member experience. Beyond that, it's nice to have someone equally excited about incredibly stupid ideas that then get polished into something worth doing. That's just the kind of guy Idris is. He's survived years of Evantbabble to become the epitome of "rolling with it" when it comes to ideas, direction, and transforming the shortest possible notes and plans into wonderful fictions that showcase our Factions and members.

Thank you Idris. Survive, and congratulations.

Darth Renatus, 2023-10-23 00:01:24 UTC