Steel Cross events for Shimas

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
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For representing Clan Tarentum with 25 submissions in the Third Chapter of the Fifth Great Jedi War.

, 2004-10-11 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
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Primary reason

Jedi Hunter Shimas – Since your arrival in House Tridens, you have found a good balance between gaming and the non-gaming aspects of House membership. In the last month, you’ve played over 20 matches between various people in the ICTE, Tuesday/Thursday Gaming days, and Sunday tournament. More importantly, you have suggested Yu Circle’s first competition. The details of this competition can be viewed here: Furthermore, you wrote a good fictional introduction to the competition, and have been very supportive in working out the exact award system we plan to use when it ends in early December. As you aspire toward Knighthood, I hope that you will try to focus your fiction skills in expanding the character and identity of the Yu Circle while at the same time continuing your gaming participation in JO and JA. You are a valued member of House Tridens and I look forward to the future initiatives you will take to advance our membership to even higher levels. -- Dark Side Adept Pyralis

, 2004-11-19 23:00:00 UTC