Services rendered to the Shadow Academy. Over the last seven months, while performing his role within the Academy, Raiju has graded 54 exams (figures taken on June 31st), helping the membership of the Brotherhood develop and advance. Master Windos, 2013-07-07 18:45:14 UTC
Services rendered to the Shadow Academy. Over the last seven months, while performing his role within the Academy, Raiju has graded 54 exams (figures taken on June 31st), helping the membership of the Brotherhood develop and advance.
Services rendered to the Shadow Academy over the last six months as a member of the Shadow Academy staff. Master Windos, 2013-12-04 19:56:30 UTC
Services rendered to the Shadow Academy over the last six months as a member of the Shadow Academy staff.
For services to the Shadow Academy in the first half of 2014. Lord Dacien Victae, 2014-07-07 15:48:29 UTC
For services to the Shadow Academy in the first half of 2014.